~Important Notes~

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Heyo, it's the author here! This first chapter serves as basic reminders or notes that I believe are important or need to be addressed beforehand. So let's start with the basics-

(Dec. 14 2022 edit: just recently changed Carly's pronouns to she/they, so I'm editing like crazy-)


Writing Format:

     In my old fic, I basically used the usual book format. However, in this fic, I'll be using more of a script format. Here's an example:

Person A: dialogue *action/emotion*
Person B: dialogue *action/emotion*

Person A: "Internal dialogue"

Person B: Foreign language (English translation)

Person A: flashback dialogue *action/emotion*

     Simple enough, right? It's easier and quicker for me to write out and, hopefully, you guys will be able to follow along better. Any necessary changes, I'll edit so it's easier to understand. For those that have read my scripts, they say it is so let's cross our fingers it can work for anyone qwq Think of it as those incorrect quotes posts from Tumblr-


Different Languages:

Even tho I'm Puerto Rican myself, I'm not fluent in Spanish. I'm well aware that PR has a different dialect (I hear it everyday but somehow can't understand it-), but because I don't know how to speak the language or write it out, unfortunately I'm gonna have to use Google Translate to write out some of Carly's lines. She canonically switches between English and Spanish every now and then, especially when she's upset or talks to themselves, so expect a lot of Spanish. However, I will be having the English translations in parentheses so y'all don't always have to translate everything-

The same goes for Japanese. I don't speak it, so I have to rely on Google Translate. I apologize in advance.

Pretty much the entire fic will be in English, but I still wanted to address the language situation since I feel like it's important to do so. If there's anyone out there who understands how Puerto Ricans speak Spanish or someone who understands Japanese, I'd so appreciate the help with this cuz it's frustrating to not show the correct representation for any character out there. Especially with Hawks, since he speaks in Hakata dialect qwq


Topics of the Story:

Well, I do have to let you know that this story is for mature audiences, since it will target adult topics (y'all already know what I'm talking about). I mean, most of the characters involved in the story are adults so that makes perfect sense. If you're underage or don't feel comfortable around the mention of those topics, I'd request not reading this fic or just skip the chapters containing it.

The same goes for those sensitive to other topics, as this fic touches on traumatic events, abuse, manipulation, alcohol, etc. Please do not read if those trigger you. The last thing I'd want to do is make you guys uncomfortable.


The world of BNHA:

Boku No Hero Academia does NOT belong to me. The amazingly dedicated Kohei Horikoshi earns that title. Characters from the manga/anime, which definitely means Hawks, belongs to him only. The way I write Hawks is referring to his canon counterpart, but because I didn't create the guy, many things will be up to my interpretation. It was one of the biggest gripes I had with my old fic cuz fanon Hawks was a big influence on his personality, so I'mma put a stop to that now-

Speaking of the manga, this fic will contain HEAVY spoilers for it!!! So anime-only fans, proceed with caution because I will not shy away from spoilers for EVERY character from BNHA involved.


The OC Part:

As the title states, this is a BNHA x OC fic. The OC that'll be heavily focused on here is Carly.

To make things clear, she was NOT made for the purpose of shipping them with Hawks or to be in the BNHA universe period. She's an OC I've had and developed since 2014-2015, before I even heard of the manga or anime, and is NOT a self insert. It wasn't until summer of 2020 that I got into BNHA and eventually started shipping them with Hawks for giggles. As you can see, it's turned into more than that. This ship brings me much comfort, which leads to why there's a fic, or rather a story, built around it.

Please do not compare me to Carly, as she is way separate from me than ever.

     Now then, here's Carly's ref:

     Of course, this is basic, but when we dive deeper into the story, you'll most likely get one or two more ref sheets

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     Of course, this is basic, but when we dive deeper into the story, you'll most likely get one or two more ref sheets.


     Ok, that took forever, but I appreciate those that skimmed through these notes. I hope that this fic will entertain you guys a little bit and, to old readers, I hope you can understand why I'm doing this. Please enjoy the new and improved "Aika Celestial". Meet ya at the bottom of every chapter once in a blue moon! 👋

Aika Celestial (BNHA x OC Fic) Where stories live. Discover now