7) Exchanged Names

26 1 3

11:12 AM

Ba. Ba ba-ba dum... Dum-dum!

Carly and Recovery Girl: *swung their heads towards the rhythmic knocking*

Carly: *didn't move their gaze at all, but felt the feather wiggle between their fingers*

Aizawa: *muffled from behind the door* That wasn't me..

Recovery Girl: *simply shakes her head* Let him in..!

Aizawa: *turned the knob and opened the door, revealing himself and Hawks. His eyes barely grew an inch at the sight of Carly sitting up* Oh, you're finally awake...

Hawks: *with his feather, he had already sensed their movements the closer he got to the building. But seeing them awake in person felt way more relieving. He couldn't help but smile more than he already was*

Carly: *compared to everyone else, their eyes were the widest, not being able to muster a whisper. Blinking multiple times, it finally sunk in* "What the actual fuck is Shota Aizawa doing here?"

Aizawa: ... *mumbles to Recovery Girl* What medicine did you give them?

Carly: *realizes they're staring, immediately snapping out of their shock* Oh no, I'm not high, I assure you-

Hawks: *closes his mouth tighter, pupils shrinking momentarily* "Let's hope you're not.."

Aizawa: *looks back at them*

Carly: I just... *clears throat, their nail scratching their other hand as she looked off to the side* ..Didn't expect to meet Eraserhead today.

Aizawa: You're aware of who I am.. So you're some hero fanatic?

Carly: I wouldn't say a fanatic.....

Aizawa: Hm. *leans against doorway, looking at Hawks* I got a class to get back to, so I expect you to find the exit on your own..

Hawks: I remember the route. Sorry for the inconvenience

Aizawa: .. *glances at Carly* ..Least they're okay. Take care.. *was quick to walk out*

Carly: Oh uh, you as well... *voice lowered with Aizawa's steps, watching him leave. She became silent as their focus shifted to the main man himself*

Recovery Girl: I'll give you two some privacy. Just open the door if you need me. *gave a reassuring smile before leaving the room, closing the door behind her*

Hawks: *was quick to pulling the guest chair forward before sitting down, his wings shifting themselves into a more comfortable position. He opened his mouth, tone soft* So.. You were out for quite awhile. How you feelin'?

Carly: *rolls their shoulders before drooping down slightly. There's a pause before she blows air through their lips* A lil' groggy, but otherwise peachy.

Hawks: Mm.. *nods a couple times, arching his back before leaning into the chair* Definitely better than open wounds and blood loss..

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