2) Another One Bites The Dust

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Cashier: *waves back with his accent spilling through his English* Come again soon!

Carly: *smiles softly as she waves back* I count on it..! *walks out of the small food market with a bento box inside of a plastic bag, making sure to tie it well enough. She glanced up at the scene in front of them*

The city was more busy than ever, both sidewalks on each of sides of the roads filled with people roaming from place to place.

Carly: *takes a deep breath of fresh air, looking both ways before rushing to the crossway, following the crowd of people to the opposite sidewalk from where she was. Once safe, she walked to their right*

The city was bustling even more than usual and the energy within it was chaos. Not like a city never is. However, with their symbol gone and the recent tragedies that struck Japan, anxiety was sweeping through the entire country and it was exactly what villains wanted. Nonetheless, people still managed to get themselves out of their homes and head to work. Carly couldn't help but appreciate them all. She knew the basics of their current conditions, but never exposed their own full knowledge.

Carly: *took a few glances at the people walking beside them. To their left: looking forward. To their right: focused on their phone call. She quickened their pace and made it through to a nearby alleyway, slowing down when no longer feeling as if she was gonna get trampled. At this point, she really did miss having a car. She made their way through the now-familiar path, taking a couple turns through the maze before finding their destination*

In front of their view was a large field surrounded by wired fences, roughly 9 feet high. Not too far from sight was a spinning sign with Japanese writing and a couple dump trucks.

Carly: *rushes over to the fence, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity. Once seeing none, she went over to the left a little, pulling onto an already ripped part of the fence and slipping right through to enter. She glanced down at their bag of food before looking back up at the many hills of scraps, appliances, and parts. She mustered a whisper to themselves* La suerte esté de mi lado... (Luck be on my side...) *walks up to the piles, their eyes catching the sight of a nearby tote bag and picking it up with her free hand*

In the past week since she was stranded in Heroaca, Carly managed to get themselves into a decent spot. What helped them the most, however, was discovering the Musutafu dump located not too far behind the big city: a dream spot for someone with their technical skill set.

Carly: *made their way through the dump, grabbing any scraps and parts she'd define as "useful". She would also find tools, if she looked hard enough, and other trinkets to try. In their eyes, anything could be used for good. She shoved as many parts as she could find into their tote bag, not caring how much weight was about to be put onto them. She'd prefer to stock up now rather than making daily trips anyways, especially when she was at risk of getting caught* Ok... *zips up the bag as she mentally prepares* 1, 2- *hoists themselves up with the backpack on, exhaling as she caught their balance* "Easy peasy.." *made sure to stay quiet as she made their way back through the opened fence. It was difficult with the sorta-fat bag on their back, but she managed well enough. She rushed away from the dump, their face scrunching up in anguish as she made their way out through the same alleyway and snuck into the same crowd*

Block after block and eventually she reached the recognizable worn-down apartment. On the outside were boards nailed to the windows, along with vines starting to grow from left alone greenery. It was odd how easy it was for them to ignore the yellow tape in front of the old sealed door, which wasn't the case anymore.

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