3) Little Birdie, Looking At Me

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Hawks: *stares quietly at the woman in front of him, taken back by what he's seeing* "彼女は私の速度に追いつくことができましたか?いいえ..彼女は私より先に行動しただけです。すごく印象的。" ("She was able to catch up to my speed? No.. She just acted before I did. Quite impressive.") *observes her very closely*"私は、搭載されるすべての新しい Pro を調べるタイプではありませんが、これについて聞いた覚えはありません。その上、彼女は英語を話しているので、それは彼女が日本在住ではないか、少なくとも語彙を習得していないことを意味するに違いありません.彼女の衣服と武器に基づいて、彼女は最高の生活を送っていない自警団員である可能性が最も高い." ("I'm not the type to look into every new Pro that comes on board, but I don't recall ever hearing about this one. On top of that, she's speaking English, so that must mean she's not a Japan resident, or at least hasn't picked up on her vocabulary. Based on her clothing and weaponry, she's most likely a vigilante who's not living the best life.")

Carly: *notices his focused stare, already coming to the conclusion that he was trying to figure them out. She didn't wanna out themselves, but she did anyways. She shrugs, as if attempting to shake off the small bit of anxiety creeping up their neck* Well then, it seems you got this handled. I'mma let you do your thing now and-

Hawks: -Hold on a sec.

Carly: *stands still, already preparing excuses in their mind*

Hawks: *could feel the crowds behind them, not sure if publicity was what they needed at the moment. He wasn't sure why, but he felt an itch in his mind. He spread his wings wide, as an attempt to show he wanted privacy as he stared at Carly with much curiosity and struggle* You're not from around here, are you? I don't think I've seen you before... Mind telling me your name?

Carly: ... *suddenly began to chuckle. She wasn't sure if it was to shake the nerves she had or how ridiculous he sounded*

Hawks: *furrows his eyebrows*

Carly: *slows down their chuckle to a soft sigh, shoving their hands into their jacket pockets with a small smile* Why? There's no point.

Hawks: *tilts his head* Why's that?

Carly: It's a simple answer, really.. *turns their body away from him, keeping half of their face clearly visible to him. Their eyes fell halfway, with their smile still remaining the same* You fly by many civilians like me. A matter of seconds and my name will fade from your memory..

Hawks: *eyes widened slightly, already opening his mouth to reply*

Carly: *was quick to continue* And you can say you'll remember, but c'mon man.. Let's be honest with ourselves, yeah?

Hawks: *stares at them quietly, his mouth open but his response lost. He knew himself, right? He knows how the idea of remembering the tiniest facts of a person was important. It was drilled into him. And yet he stood in front of them and couldn't even defend himself. For once, he felt his mouth was zipped. He was too caught up in his loss for words until he heard their voice*

Carly: Anyways, nice to meet ya Number 2! *waves "goodbye" as she walks behind a wall* Good luck with this guy..! Not that you need it.. *finally disappears from his sights, leaving Hawks alone*

Hawks: *snaps out of his trance* Wait a second! *rushes to follow, but is only met with an alleyway behind the same wall she disappeared behind, leaving him puzzled. He knew he could use his feathers to find them in seconds, but for some reason he wasn't sure if she was someone to worry about right now. He frowns a bit before moving back to the unconscious criminal she captured*

Criminal: *still remained unconscious, his head resting on his raised shoulder from his tied up position*

Hawks: *walks over to him and looks over everything, starting at the minor injuries the man sustained* "所々に火傷がありますが、心停止の兆候はありません。" ("There's a few burns here and there, but there's no signs of cardiac arrest.") *glances over at the rope, noticing the button on the handle* "彼女がこのボタンを押すのを見ました。つまり、感電は彼女の気まぐれではなかったということです。彼女のサポートアイテムでした。" ("I saw her press this button. That means the electric shock wasn't her quirk. It was her support item.") *stares at the scene before mumbling to himself* .. Smart girl...

The crowd of people took notice of him, immediately cheering his hero name many many times at "his" achievement.

Hawks: *perks up at the noise and sighs, detaching his feathers to pick up the bag of goods and the criminal himself* "気にしないでください。" ("Nevermind that, I guess.")  *walks out of the alleyway, bringing back that bright smile that the crowd adored*

While Hawks was in the alleyway, the police was called over and arrived rather quickly. After a couple exchanging of words, the criminal was apprehended and taken away.

Carly: *started to walk back to their "home", thinking about what she just saw* "Heh... Hawks in the flesh.."

1 Month Ago
Carly: *laying down on their couch, looking up at the manga in hand. To their side was a small screen with plenty of notes being written down after every page she read. The one she was working on was titled "Hawks" as she stared at an image of the Pro Hero, his cheek resting in the palm of his hand with a grin*

Carly: *let out a single chuckle* "Almost like a direct replica of the manga and anime. Shouldn't expect any different.." *stepped out of the alleyway she maneuvered through to look to their right*

Hawks: *stood between his fans with the same smile, giving quick signatures and good wishes to everyone he possibly could before deciding to say goodbye, opening his wings and flying up into the sky as quick as can be. As he soared above ground, his mind kept returning back*

Carly: It's a simple answer, really.. You fly by many civilians like me. A matter of seconds and my name will fade from your memory..

Hawks: *eyes narrow with a slight frown*

Carly: *watched him leave from afar, frowning. The way his smile felt so off, it made their skin crawl. A memory suddenly flooded into their mind as she continued their walk back to the apartment*

???: See ya Hawks. Your life's another thing I don't care about.

Carly: *eyes lower to the ground, their expression remaining neutral* "You got a lot ahead of you, Keigo Takami.."

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//Heyo! It's the author here 🌿
Just wanted to let you know that, from here on out, there won't be much Japanese dialogue written out, unless absolutely necessary for logical reasons. For instance, most people in Japan would automatically speak Japanese first before English (I assume hhh-), so it's moments like that where I'd use Japanese. I'll also use it for little moments here and there so it shows that the cast is more used to Japanese than English.
Either way, hope you're enjoying the story so far! See ya! 👋

Aika Celestial (BNHA x OC Fic) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt