8) Birdie Say No to Dusty

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Hawks: *stares them down, frowning* You can't be serious.

Carly: Wh- I'm as serious as ever. Can you go now, please? *tries to close the door again, only to scoff when it doesn't*

Hawks: *uses his foot as support, pushing his way in*

Carly: *nearly trips on themselves, holding onto the door as she watches him* Ugh, ¿habla en serio ahora? (Is he serious right now?) *closes door with force* Hawks.

Hawks: *was immediately met with a cracked and rugged staircase, his eyes stuck in his imagination* .... *slowly turns to them*

Carly: ..What? It's not as wobbly as it looks. *mumbles* At least it's in one piece.. *walks past him, heading up said wobbly stairs*

Hawks: *wheezes quietly, watching them disappear to the second floor. He glances down at the stairs, mentally saying "nope" as he flies up and through the rectangular opening. He manages to catch up with them, watching them open their apartment door*

Carly: *puffs out an exhale with the creaking floor, not letting go of the doorknob as she glares at him* ...

Hawks: *stood his ground, his wings pulling back into its cocoon* Boundaries, I know... But at least one peek inside to see if you have everything you need to recover. That's all I ask to see.

Carly: *softened their gaze for a moment, finding their head pulsing. Even though she knew it was his job. Even though she knew his concern. Even though she knew the risks of letting him in...* "Fucking Ay..." *sighs and walks into the apartment, leaving the door open for him*

Hawks: *let his chest fall with his breath, following them inside. What he was met with blew a small breeze against his skin*

The boarded floors creaked with each step they took. The ripped sheets dangling over the windows made the room even more depressing than it already was, despite the walls of the empty living space being a chipped cream color. It didn't help that the apartment didn't have the best angle for sunlight to come through.

Carly: *made their way to their belongings in the corner, setting their bag down with a loud thud*

Hawks: *eye barely twitches at the sound, staring at them for a second before continuing his observations elsewhere. He went right, walking into the kitchen*

From first glance, it seemed to be a functional cooking area. It had a small amount of counter space, including a wrap-around sitting area, and plenty of cabinetry for a single person. But when you take a closer look, the marble countertop, while displaying a calming charcoal color, was chipped and cracked in some areas. Stains appeared everywhere, the appliances being the main victims. Although standing before him, the fridge was marked from head to toe and hummed with dissatisfaction. To the left of the fridge sat the kitchen sink, its metal spout not sparkling at all.

Hawks: *goes to the sink, taking one quick glance at Carly before reaching the knob for hot water, turning it. Nothing. Mentally scoffing, he moved onto the fridge, carefully opening it and taking a peek. He lightly grimaced to the rumbling getting louder, being met with only a few water bottles and a bento box*

Carly: *reacts to the sounds, turning towards the kitchen* If you're thirsty, go on and take a bottle. I'll be heading to the convenience store tomorrow anyways.

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