0) Introduction

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???: Oh Carly, dear..~ *taps his staff against the ground as he walks amongst the destruction he caused*

Carly: *felt their bruised body tremble against the massive pile of broken walls and ground she hid behind, attempting to shake off the memories of the same voice from their teenage years. She glanced around the area*

The sky was no longer blue. Its burgundy clouds were luminous and made the scenery of destruction even more violent. Debris from fallen apartments and homes of citizens were all over the painted grass and pavements.

???: I hate to be a downer, but there's no way you're getting out of this alive..! Why don't you just face the truth? I've won. *glances at the menacing warm grey glow of the stones twisted into his staff with a small smirk* Most of the stones' powers are mine to control. They no longer follow you. So, why not give up this game of Hide and Seek and finally face your sins?

Carly: *quietly hissed at his comment, along with them tightening their wrapped jacket around the large gash on their side. She watched him prance around the field, slowly reaching for their damaged sword as she swallowed hard before talking out loud* I ain't paying for what's yours..

???: *immediately turns to the sound of their voice, pointing the staff towards the pile. The stones began to ominously glow before sending an energy blast at Carly's location*

Carly: *barely manages to dodge, gliding on cool-colored glass panels as they glance back at their even more destroyed hiding spot. She kept moving around to different piles as fast as she could at the moment*

???: *followed their every movement, firing over and over again until a blanket of smoke surrounded the area* .... *stood still, looking around. There was no sign of them, not even their floating glass carpet. He lowered his staff ever so slightly, letting his senses clear*

A small pebble falls to the ground.

???: *spins to face the sound with his staff, watching the smoke clear to reveal nothing* ...

Carly: *slides in from behind on the playform, kicking him in the back*

???: !! *falls to the ground, a low growl emerging shortly after impact. He quickly grabs his staff, watching one of the stones fight between grey and magenta as it pulled apart the ground below*

From the cracked concrete broke free whips of molded lava, flying rapid towards their new enemy as pieces of debris either spat out or sunk into its shape.

Carly: *was quick to slide away from the whips, changing their direction and jumping off the glass with their sword, not paying mind to the glitched glass shards disappearing behind them*

???: *lifts his staff, blocking the attack*

Carly: *was practically coaching themselves in their mind, pushing their natural strength against their sword and the staff as much as she could to keep him grounded, but grimaced at the sharp pain she had to endure*

???: *was clearly more pissed off than them, scowling as he pushed against their blade and managed to sit up from the ground*

Carly: *cursed under breath as she was pushed back a step or two, trying to be quick enough to swipe him*

???: *was quicker, pointing his staff at them and sending another blast directly at them*

Aika Celestial (BNHA x OC Fic) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ