1) Welcome to Musutafu, Carly

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Colors slowly began to appear until the faint sound of a rhythmic beeping became more clear. The colors became a calming cream color, with the hint of sunshine gleaming against it.

Carly: *softly groans as their eyes flickered open, unaware of their location for a moment until the beeping became recognizable. She breathed out as an attempt to curse, glancing over to their right to see their heart monitor. She went to open their eyes wider, but it only resulted with a electric shock in their head. She hisses* "Coño... Tómatelo con calma, Carly. At least you're in a hospital..."

Mt. Lady: リラックス!ぐるぐる回ろうとしても、あまり役に立ちません。(Relax! Trying to wiggle out won't do much for you.) *smiles as she turns around and winks down at the crowd* そうじゃない?(Ain't that right?)

Carly: *nearly chokes at the sudden memory, coughing for a moment before taking a deep breath from the oxygen mask. She takes another moment to recollect themselves before reflecting with furrowed eyebrows* "Mt. Lady... Are you kidding me? There's no way. NO WAY I'm stuck in My Hero Academia. Why would the stones-" *eyes widen, once again getting hit with the shock of pain. She feels their chest* "Shit wait... The stone. Where is it?" *she glances around the area, glad that their vision is a little less foggy now*

The room was tidy and clean, a TV sitting not far from the hospital bed. To their left were wide windows, peering out to the sunny day in the city. The curtains rested on the ends of the windows. To their right was the usual hospital equipment, along with a night stand. There, beside a cup of water and a flower pot, was their necklace that carried the pretty taffy-pink stone. The blood that had once stained its color was now washed off and rested on a napkin.

Carly: *sighs with relief before forcing their body to lift itself to its capacity, allowing themselves to sit up on the bed before glancing out the window, attempting to shake off the small headache coming along* .... *she blinked softly at the small view of the city, a part of them relieved to see a bit of peace after everything. But it wasn't this city she wished to see at peace. At least not at the moment. She thought back to the man she was fighting not too long ago, exhaling sharply* "Vincent..." *she glances back down at their bandaged hands* ".. I gotta get back home."

???: *opens the door wide* こんにちは!(Good afternoon!)

Carly: ?! *turns towards the door and she stares with shock, attempting to recollect themselves from the small jumpscare until she recognized the familiar woman* ...

???: *smiles up at them, carrying a clipboard and pen* 目が覚めて嬉しいです。ご気分はいかがですか?(I'm glad to see you awake. How are you feeling?)

Carly: ... *blinks twice* "Right... Japanese... Crap." *clears throat for a moment before responding out loud, voice still a bit hoarse* I'm sorry.. I don't speak Japanese..

???: Oh, you speak English? Well, that's no problem for me. I'm Recovery Girl. I was responsible for taking care of you these past 3 days. I was asking how you felt.

Carly: Oh, uh.. *takes a quick glance at their bandaged side underneath their hospital gown* Definitely an improvement. Just a headache is all I'm really feeling right now. *thinks to themselves* "3 days out? Yeesh.." *looks back over at the nurse* Thank you, Recovery Girl..

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