9) Breakfast First, Then Get Comfy

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Carly: *eyelids battle between fatigue and annoyance, a low growl emitting from the back of their throat*

The sun shifted through a crack in the window blinds, drawing a ray of light across the guest room, its belongings, and their face.

Carly: *grumbles through their loose hair, their hand gripping tightly onto the bed sheets to roughly tug it over their head. With most of their time being spent thinking about the opposite side of the universe, sleep wasn't something she could acquire for days. But now with a new rough-but-comfy bed in their possession, sleep was their wish. The feeling was short lived, unfortunately, when she found themselves unable to keep their eyes closed* Hmf... *with half-lidded vision, they stare up at the ceiling with a sigh before taking a glance around unfamiliarity*

Despite the assumptions she had, the room was much bigger than what the layout perceived it as. With a large closet taking up most of the space beside the door, there was plenty of shelving on the wall next to it, along with the king-sized bed and two nightstands on each side. Sitting in front of the mattress was a long but expansive dresser, with a flat screen mounted above. The last wall belonged to an electric desk with extra shelves and drawers for storage. A cushioned chair sat in front of the desk, wearing Carly's jacket. Displayed above the modernized piece of wood was that big bright window that woke them up.

Carly: *silently stared at the window with such distaste before shaking it off* "Maldito sea el insomnio..." ("Insomnia be damned...") *shoves the comforter off as she sits up, blowing the waves landing in their face. Staring off into the distance a little longer, she finally turns their body off the bed, doing a stretch big enough to bare with deep breaths. From there, she began to clean up, doing the bed and dusting off the hair strands sticking on the same clothes she wore yesterday. The necklace was the last thing to put on, its charm being handled with care as it rested against their collarbone. With that, she opened the bedroom door, being hit with an agonizingly burnt but sweet smell. Taking another whiff, she figured out its source immediately* "Eggs and ham.." *taking it as motivation, she shoves their waking body to the guest bathroom. Opening the door, she stares at the sink*

Sitting on the counter was a brand new electric toothbrush charging on its stand, alongside toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash.

Carly: *eyelids raise, stepping into the bathroom and lightly closing the door before taking a look around some more*

In the bottom cabinets were extra sets of toilet paper, soap, more toothpaste, and boxes of tissues, while a hairbrush rested in one of the small drawers. Looking towards the shower and pulling away the curtains, there were new bottles of shampoo and conditioner, sitting in their designated shelf beside a sponge and another bar of soap.

Carly: Huh. *glances over to the trash can beside the toilet, noticing the box for the toothpaste* ... *walked back to the sink, trying to refocus on a new morning routine. Watching the brush vibrate against their lips, she zoned out with the sound effect*

Hawks: If someone like me is willing to advocate for you, the Hero Public Safety Commission should be willing to give you a chance.

Carly: *bites down on the switched-over floss*

Hawks: *shoulders sag ever so slightly, his eyelids beginning to rest* This isn't my attempt to keep you silent about what you're doing. It's only a helping hand. You get to choose what to do next..

Aika Celestial (BNHA x OC Fic) Where stories live. Discover now