Chapter 9

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I was able to sleep in for the first time in god knows how long. I didn't really know how much I needed it, for the first time in a while I felt fully well rested. Having a good cry and then falling asleep was probably the best decision ever.

I started to get ready, but I felt no need to rush so I took my sweet old time. When I was finally all ready I went down stairs to see my aunt about to come up the stairs.

"Oh good I was just about to get you" she said turning around and going to put her shoes on

"So we're leaving now then" I asked looking down at my phone and following her actions

Slipping my sneakers on I retie my sneakers, at the same time my aunt opened the door seeing how she already had her out door shoes on. I stand up and follow her to the car, with the key in her hand she hits the button to unlock the car. We both open the doors and sit on the seats.

She starts the car while she did that I put my seatbelt on, she then put hers on after she started the car. She looked behind her and pulled out of the drive way.

She made me put the directions to the doctors office in her phone so we wouldn't get lost. After about 25 minutes we made it in one piece to the doctors.

Opening the car doors shutting them behind us, the car beeps behind me indicating that it is locked thanks to my aunt. We walked up to the sidewalk my aunt walking right next to me. We followed the pathway that leads to the door. When we got close enough the doors opened automatically and we entered. Walking up to the front desk to where the receptionist is

"Hello, how are you today" the women in front of us said

"Good how are you" my aunt said back and I just looked at sign in front of the counter just waiting for this to be over

"Good, name and who are you here to see" the women said again looking at me then at my aunt, my aunt looked over realizing that I'm not going to respond she sighed

"Miya Amaya, and we're here to see dr. Hasegawa" My aunt said to women

"Okay thank you please have a seat over here you will be called shortly" the woman said standing up slightly and pointing to the right of her.

We walked over to the seating area on that side of the building and took a seat where there wasn't a lot of people

Once we sat down I pulled out my phone started playing a game, hoping it will help time to pass just a little bit faster.

"Amaya, will you be okay if he says you can't play again" my aunt said making my head fly up and look at her, also causing me to die in the game.

"I-" started but looked down at my phone "of course I will" I said looking up at her and smiling

Who am I kidding no I won't how could I, sports are my lively hood, I need to play. Nothing can compare to the feeling I get when I get into a risky situation during a game and I have to dive into people. There's no noise it's quite it's like finding peace but only for a few seconds. The adrenaline lasts for a bit though. I need to play I don't know how much longer I can go without playing.

"Ama are you sure" my aunt asked me looking at me with a lot of concern

"Yes I promise" I said laughing a bit I'm sorry I'll break that promise I really am

"Okay" she said sighing

"Miya" a nurse said coming into the sitting room making both of us stand up and walk to her

"How are you today" she asked me

"Ah good and you" I asked her

"I'm doing good" she said leading us to the room "the doctor will be in shortly" she said closing the door I went over to the bench thing and sat on it while my aunt sat on one of the chairs across from it.

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