Cape Cod

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I sigh as I walk down the beach by myself. I see all these cute boys down the beach but not one of them even glance my way. I walk all the way to the end of the beach as I lay down on a big flat rock letting my skin soak up the sun. I start day dreaming about my future boyfriend and how we would frolic in the water together when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and see a gorgeouse dirty blonde staring back at me, He had a cross necklace and friend ship bracelets on his wrist. I lift my sunglasses up and scan his torso, water dripped down his  tan abs and his chest rose up and down quickly as he breathed. A smirk spread across my face "Can I help you?" I ask, "Yea you can." He says sitting next to me.... Why dont you just make yourself at home huh.
"You're super pretty can I have your number?" I was very flattered but even more impressed that he asked for my number rather than my snap. "I'm not sure you will remember it..." I say looking at him. "Of course I will, shoot!" He says insisting till I finally gave it to him. "You must have done that with a lot of girls in order to have such a good memory." I say looking at him, "Nope, I just have a great memory." I soon tell this boy I have to leave as I get up and walk away.

That night when I get out of the shower I already see a text message from a random number and I automatically knew it was this boy from the beach.

"Hey wyd?" I see inside of the blue text bubble. "Im reading at the beach, wish you could be here though.. Sorry if thats weird." I see the last bit pop up not too quickly after he texted the first part. "Maybe I could come down there, we can both read by candle light." I say smiling at the text.

"Seriously? Meet me at the place we met at in 10" He texts before I jump up and put some white linen pants on and a cute light blue crew neck.

I grab my candle bin and throw a bunch of candles into my bag along with a book and a lighter. I sneak out of my windows sure for my parents not to hear me before I hop onto my bike and ride off to the beach adrenaline and butterflies pumping through my veins.

When I walk onto the beach I could already see the mysterious boy at the end of the beach reading on a blanket with a flashlight. When I finally make it over I tap his shoulder, "Hey its me." I smile, "Hey! I thought you were going to stand me up." He lets out a small laugh.
"Of course not I was just scared I was going to get caught by my parents." I sitting down on the blanket.

"Well do you want to go swimming?  Brought towels" He says smiling at me.

"Sure but I'm not wearing a bathing suit.." I say looking at him.

"No big deal we can just go in underwear, its dark I wont see you I swear."  He says looking at me urging to go swimming.
I finally give in as I take of my clothes revealing my Satin white bra and floral Lacey underwear.

"Woah." He states ogling at me.

"Oh shut up your turn."

He quickly takes of his clothes revealing those familiar abs, also revealing his blue striped polo boxers.

"C'mom!" He says throwing me over his shoulders while running into the water, I scream as he throws me in. Right as he does this he goes underwater as well.

"Youve never told me your name." I say swimming over to him.

"Jeremiah , my names Jeremiah . Whats yours?" He ask coming closer to me the whole mood changing creating a thick tension that made my heart pound.

"N/N or Y/N." I say just above a whisper as I feel Jeremiah's breath on my forehead as he was nearly 6 foot.

"Y/N thats a gorgeous name." He says bending down whispering into my ear.

He brushes his hand along my neck as he slowly kisses my earlobe gently. "Jump." He whispers into my ear as I jump up and wrap my legs around his torso. I prop myself up by putting my hands on his shoulders as I rake my hands through his silky hair. He then tilts my head to the side leaving  hickey on my neck before connecting his lips to mine grasping at the hair on the nape of my neck making me moan.

"I just want to let you know you're the only girl Ive done this with." He says in a breathy tone.

"I just saw you today and you looked so gorgeous and innocent, I'm not so sure how innocent you will be now that I'm with you." He says in between wet kisses.

"But I'm not so innocent you know." I say stopping the kiss as I look deeply into his eyes.

"Oh i'm sure." He says putting me down.

"What are you doing?" I ask worried I did something wrong,

"We might've just met but I like you too much to have sex with you on the first night. Lets go read and light the candles." He says picking me up bridal style as I giggle.

When he gets me to the blanket he hands me a towle and wrap it around myself.

"So what are you reading?" I ask.
"Its called the butterfly garden, I dont know I remember someone telling me to read it and I have nothing better to do so I did." He says laying down on his back propping himself on his elbows as I light many candles.

I lay my head on his chest "Is this okay?" I ask.

"Of course." He says rubbing my head.

"You know if someone walks by they might think where doing a ritual with all these candles." I say as Jeremiahs chest rumbles with a laugh.

"I think your right." he says running his thumb along my cheek.

"This is going to be one crazy summer... I don't think I'll be able to get you out of my head."

And boy was he right, this was one of the most craziest summers in cape cod.

𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐡 𝐅𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now