Chapter Five: Lament of the Wind

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The spirit of the Dark King emerged from the shadows, moving within the light of the flame in Lectavus' hand. "Long have I waited for your arrival, Alexandrio!" he proclaimed in a gut-wrenching voice, so frightening that it made me shiver internally. Azlarus the Dark stopped to hover above his black, rectangular coffin. The setting must've been a cavern of some sort. Dripping stalactites covered the ceiling and shallow water trickled along the floor of the dark, naturally constructed chamber.

"Just tell me where that blasted Shadow Sword is," Lectavus commanded.

"I thought I would be the first to rise, but it appears you have beaten me to it! No matter...." With a creepy grin, Azlarus the Dark drew a blade from out of nowhere and handed it to the King of Krenshia.

That there is the Shadow Sword, Setali's voice informed me, the weapon also known as "Fear."

Embedded at the center of its black, onyx hilt was a purple spinel gem. Two, small, curved ivory horns jutted from each side where the blade and hilt were joined. The blade itself was made from condensed shadows (or so Setali told me), formed with sharp, jagged edges. It was entirely opaque and blacker than midnight itself.

Within the gem on the hilt are the souls of all the men he slew, Setali explained further. They are what gives the blade its power.

"How come neither you nor Narida destroyed the weapon after killing him?" I asked.

After killing his half-brother and chief priest, Balthazar the Half-Blood, I was slain by Casio Azlarus while protecting my companion, Latiar Narida. Once Narida slew the Dark King, Azlarus' body and sword vanished from his sight. For years, he searched for the body and weapon, but to no avail.

"You must hurry," said the ghost to Lectavus. "I have been growing weak. Punishing that boy's parents has taken a great toll on me."

The Krenshian king took the blade from Azlarus. "That was foolish. The fault is yours and yours alone. This plan would have been much easier had you not wasted your brother's gift."

"Bah! It was hardly a gift! Do you know how much of bore it is to wait in a cave for three centuries?"

Alexandrio heaved a sigh, "I shall now start reciting an incantation from Setali's book. It will make sure that your soul has a clear path to your body. The process should not take too long, since you are already present in spirit form."

"Then get on with it!"

Clearing his throat, Lectavus spoke: "Anemim, coniecte colla corpim."

Azlarus stared at him, looking very much annoyed. "Nothing happened, Alexandrio."

"That was only the first step. Have patience, Casio." Lectavus looked over his shoulder. "What are you doing? Get over here!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm coming." Calvin Azlarus emerged from the shadows, stopping beside Lectavus.

The ghost looked at him with disgust. "This is my descendant? Where is his crown?"

Calvin laughed, "I ain't royalty. The city of Ilion hasn't had an Azlarus on the chair since you!"

The Dark King's disapproving frown intensified. "What is this? It seems that I also detect Narasolan blood in your veins. Surely, you cannot be the one who holds the words to awaken my sword!"

"Sorry to disappoint, but I am the chosen one!"

Casio still looked unconvinced. "From which concubine do you descend?"

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