Chapter Nine: The Electrum Lyre

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Lola was upset.

Not because we were forced to eat lunch in a graveyard, not because the weather was cold, nor even because her own brother had been missing for multiple hours.

Nope. She just couldn't get over Esther.

"I don't care if she's a Maiden. I still want to know how that girl knows you."

"I already told you," I grumbled, trying to read an epitaph on a gravestone. The writing was pretty faded, so I already knew my efforts were in vain. I glanced back at my girlfriend to see her glaring at me with her hands on her hips.

"Like it or not, Levi, I'm very perceptive when it comes to emotions. That girl seems to like you a lot. However, according to you, all she ever did was give you that bow when you were twelve... a likely story, I'm sure."

"So you believe me now?"

"I was being sarcastic, you moron!"

"Oh...." I went back to reading the epitaph.

"Are you seriously going to ignore me?" she huffed. "That's very unbecoming of you, Levi. I am gravely disappointed."

"Our conversation has been going around in circles," I told her. "My story will never change If you wish to speak about something else, I might actually have something to say." I turned to meet her eyes. "Aren't you at least a little worried about your brother?"

She looked away stubbornly. "You're trying to change the subject."

"Yeah, but—"

Lola waved her hand dismissively. "Meh, you're right. I'm being overly dramatic and annoying right now. I apologize."

"Huh?" I still got whiplash from how abruptly her tone would shift from time to time. It didn't happen often, but it sure was noticeable.

"I shouldn't be worried just because some other girl is in love with you," she sighed. Then, stopping to consider her words, she added, "You know, that reminds me. Didn't Travis and Sarah seem a little 'off' to you yesterday?"

I eyed her quizzically. "Yeah, but what does that have to do with our conversation?"

Taking off her glasses to clean them with a lens cloth, Lola casually replied, "You know how Elli loves Travis as much as Sarah does? My guess is that Travis finally found out, and now Sarah is nervous." She put her glasses back on. "I sense we'll have some quality gossip on our hands in the future."

I was completely taken aback.

Noticing my expression, Lola rolled her eyes. "Seriously? You spent all those years with Elli, yet you never saw that? Well, if that's the case, I shan't gossip about it with you."

"Um, okay."

She took a look around. "By the way, have you seen Senti at all?"

I nodded. "He's currently talking with Major Ellis about our plans for the Orcana campaign."

"Do you know where we're heading from here?"

I scratched my head. "Well, seeing how we already have my bow, the song from the cavern, and the Guardian of Galia, I say it's up to Esther. My guess is that she's the only one who knows where my ancestor's soul is at."

A set of worry lines appeared on Lola's forehead. "Where are those two anyway? Do you think they'll be all right?"

Before I could answer, I was interrupted by her brother, who happened to fall face-first from a height of eight feet, landing right between the two of us. Despite the hard fall, he was quick to get up. His frantic expression told me he had bad news to share.

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