Chapter Twelve: The Fay's Labyrinth

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That morning, Cameron and I woke with a start.


"I grow impatient waiting for you wimpy, whimpering, wailing, weepy, whiny, wussy weaklings to wake!" Lumina barked, breaking into our tent.

She was the last person I wanted to see.

"Ugh, what the heck's your problem?" Cameron groaned, slowly rolling over from his stomach—upon which he preferred to sleep.

"It is already six in the morning!" the Maiden huffed.

Rage was building inside of me.

After rubbing his eyes, Cameron put on his glasses. "What's your point? The plan was to get up half-past six. You woke us up early."

Lumina narrowed her eyes at him. "You helplessly hopeless, horrifically heartless human! How can you not care for your own—"

"Shut up!" I cried, sitting up to scowl at her. "Just shut your mouth!"

The two of them stared at me with surprise. I could see the reflection of my eyes glowing brightly as I stared coldly into Lumina's.

"I don't think you're the one to talk about someone being heartless," I uttered coldly. "I ought to send a million volts through your body for what you did! And you know what?" Rising to my feet, I summoned a whip made of electric current. "...I think I will."

Before Cameron or Lumina could react, I flicked my wrist, and the faerie was electrocuted in an instant. She screamed in agony, but I didn't back down. "How does it feel, you soulless monster?" I shouted through tears. "How does it feel to have your heart fried?"

Lumina said nothing.

"Answer me!" I roared.

But she was already unconscious.

Still angry yet faintly alert, I was about to stop myself when an invisible force slammed me to the ground. The whip in my hand dissipated immediately.

"What the heck was that?" exclaimed Cameron, probably tending to Lumina by now.

I was unable to utter a single word, for I was in complete shock.

Finally, I heard the Maiden groan, "What happened? Where am I?" She was speaking in Galian, and her voice sounded weak, but at least she wasn't dead.

I exhaled a sigh of relief. Thank goodness... she's alive.

But that relief was quickly replaced with horror, for I then realized: I could've killed Lumina. Had there really been a part of me, deep down that would've done such a thing?

* * *

It didn't take long before Lola had gotten word of what had happened, so not even she came to sit with me during breakfast.

But that was to be expected.

Instead of eating, I just sat there feeling miserable, my face buried in my folded arms. All I could think about was the image of Lumina's terror-filled eyes as I carried out my twisted act of revenge.

While I brooded, Cameron's voice arose: "Lift your head, Levi. I need to talk to you."

Despite that I didn't want to talk to anyone—especially Cameron—I obeyed.

He gave no introduction: "I take it you dreamt about your past with Esther as well?"

I nodded silently.

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