Chapter Twenty-Four: The Serpent's Wrath

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It was nearing midnight. Mareini and I had just finished performing what could have been our very last song together. I took down the invisible sound walls, which I had created using my Narasolan powers to prevent us from being detected, and then spoke to Mareini: "Before we go, I would like to thank you."

She seemed confused. "Whatever for, Senti?"

"For everything," I told her. "Thank you for keeping me company during sleepless nights. Thank you for going on adventures with me past the tree which our fathers deemed 'off-limits.' Thank you for caring for me when I was sick, and for cheering me up when I was sad. Thank you for exchanging your thoughts with me, and listening whenever I wished to share my own. Thank you for forgiving me every time I was unkind to you, and for teaching me how to be a better person. Thank you for lending me your beautiful voice while I played my violin. Thank you for waiting faithfully for my return during the six years I was gone, and for all the prayers you sent on my behalf. Thank you for your trust, your respect, and for always looking out for me. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy your sweet smile, your charming laughter, and your beautiful face each and every day. Thank you for openly sharing yourself with me, and for all the memories we made together. But, most of all... thank you for being my friend."

With misty eyes, she threw her arms around me. "Oh, Senti! What have I ever done to deserve you?"

"Did you not hear?" I chuckled, hugging her back. "You have done everything!"

She pulled back a little so that she could look me in the eye. "Senti, I... so much... I really..."

As it stood, Mareini and I already knew how we felt towards each other. However, expressing that emotion by word of mouth was a different matter all on its own. The notion of being a romantic couple was still a foreign concept to us. Although we had been the best of friends since birth, this new sort of friendship had only developed recently.

"Do not worry," I assured her. "You do not have to say it for me to believe it."

"No!" she protested. "Let me say it! I know I can!"

"Very well...."

Clearing her throat, she tried again: "Senti, I... I really—ugh! Why is this so difficult?"

"There is no need to fret about it," I said.


"You may tell me after we return the emerald to the Guardian Tree. How does that sound?"

"No! I must tell you I must tell you that I... that I..." Mareini hung her head in shame. "Oh, what is the use? I am a terrible excuse for... for..."

"For a what?" I inquired.

She sighed gloomily, "An extremely close friend."

"Mareini, you need not be frustrated," I told her. "I already know how you feel."

"But Senti, I do not understand! Although I love you more than anything in this world, I cannot even say it! What is wrong with me?"

A smile gradually spread across my face.

"What are you grinning at me for?" she demanded. "What did I say that you find so..." Suddenly, she gasped, and her face turned bright red.

Through her own statement of affection, I found the courage to respond, "I love you, too, Mareini Makai."

Utterly speechless, she broke away from me. I offered her my hand, which she promptly took. Although we had held hands on many occasions before, this particular instance felt... different somehow.

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