Chapter Six: Veronica

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A Sky Maiden with the short black hair paced back and forth across the shimmering, marble floor in front of a solid electrum throne. She was speaking Galian, though I understood the tongue well:

"Where did she fly off to this time?"

The setting of this dream was of some kind of palace throne room. A roof of clouds loomed a hundred feet above. Like the floors, the walls themselves were also composed of white marble, lined with a set of marble columns that were covered in veins of electrum. There were also giant, silvery-blue windows with weather-themed images, ranging from sunny meadows to winter wonderlands.

The grumpy-looking faerie pacing in front of the throne had a set of cloudy-white wings and fair skin to match. Unlike the vast majority of Maidens, most of her attire was sparkling silver—including her dress, slippers, and tiara. The rest of her jewelry was electrum-made, consisting of a ring bearing the symbol of Galia and a cuff for each wrist. Although she appeared as if she were in her early-to-mid-twenties, I knew she was much, much older than that.

Another faerie appearing six or seven years of age looked on with concern, her white wings fluttering every so often. She had the uniform of a common Maiden, sporting an electrum circlet, white dress, and white slippers. Her black hair was long and somewhat wavy, stopping nearly halfway across her back.

"Lumina, are you sure she is not with Mommy?" asked the adorable little faerie.

Her elder sister stopped in her tracks and scowled at her. "You do not think I checked? Our mother cannot sense her, either!"

"But if she is still in the Sky Realm—"

"Bennae Faera Veronica is not in the Sky Realm, Esther. What part of that do you not understand?"

"Where else could she possibly be, Lumie?"

The worry lines accentuated on her forehead. "I fear that she has gone to visit the mortal world again."

"Then surely you have nothing to worry about," said the little one. "Veronica herself told me that mortals are wonderful creatures."

Lumina shook her head with a sigh. "Esther, you must never listen to Veronica when it comes to mortals. I do not care if she is the oldest and wisest of all the Sky Maidens. You must know that her lenient judgment of those sinful creatures cannot be accepted as truth. Besides, the mortal world is much too dangerous for us Maidens. We are not meant to interact with its inhabitants."

"Why is that?"

"Because in the mortal world, Lunara's influence runs rampant."

"So? Nari is fun!" insisted the little Maiden. "She tells the most wonderful stories. I especially enjoy the ones about love. Yesterday, she told one about romantic love—whatever that is. I must admit, I am still a little confused about its nature. For instance, why do people kiss each other passionately on the lips when they are in love? How does that contribute to—"

"Cease!" Lumina barked.

Her voice echoed so loudly that it caused Esther to flinch. "Did I say something wrong?"

"You must not play around with the idea of romantic love!" she exclaimed. "It is the one thing more dangerous to us Fay than Cyclos himself!"

"How could you say such a thing?" Esther whimpered. "What is so bad about romantic love? Nari made it sound so beautiful."

Lumina shook her head. "How can you not see it? If you break your sacred vow as a Sky Maiden and fall in love with a mortal, you shall lose everything!"

The Phoenix Chronicles: The Curse of LustriaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora