chapter 1

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-Finn's POV-

"Cya finn, I'm going to Stacies!" Gwen slightly shouted while walking further away.

I didn't respond, just waved back. I was slightly overwhelmed by the fact that I'd have to take care of dad today, until I got distracted by the feeling of someone grabbing my shoulder.

It was Vance hopper's younger brother who constantly started fights with people for no reason.

I tried to just ignore him and walk away until a crowd of kids starting surrounding us, they knew what was about to happen.

"So now you wanna be a fucking coward and run away? What a pussy."
He yelled out as he grabbed me by the front of my shirts collar.

He roughly slammed me to the floor while getting on top of me, bruising my face with his punches. However, within the corner of my eye I saw a highly familiar figure.

While I continued to try and push him off of me, the closer the figure got, the more I realized who it was.

He pulled Alex (the bully or whatever) off of me while I immediately sat up and caught my breath.

I'm not going to lie, I always felt weird around Robin.
Not weird as in, unhappy or uncomfortable, but weird as in shy and tense, I always panic around him. It's too hard to explain.

My thoughts were interrupted by the crowd of kids cheering while Alex was on the floor with a bloody face and a blackeye.

Once Robin was finally pulled off of alz, he turned to me and held out his hand to help me up. I couldn't help but just get butterflies in my stomach. See what I mean?

"Finn, you alright? Your face is super bloody."

I stayed silent, just slightly mumbled that I was okay. As he got closer to me I was caught off guard, he handed me some bandages he had from his recent fight.

"Thanks, but I gotta start walking home before my dad wakes up." I mumbled, once again

"It's fine Finn, but I was wondering if you'd wanna come over to my place tomorrow?"

"Sure. What are we gonna do?"

" Probably just watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre."

We spoke for abit until I grabbed my bag from the floor and started to head home. By the time I got home my father was still asleep and Gwen should be on her way home by now.

I cleaned up the empty b33r bottles from the table and floor and got rid of all the c!garette buts from the ash tray and covered him in a blanket. I welcomed Gwen, we spoke abit. I brushed my teeth and got ready to sleep.

I feel like this chapter was awfully short and kinda cringe but uhh, this is my first book ever so congratulations! Suggestions or criticism would be helpful!!

485 words !!

finn x robin one-shots!! (rinny)Where stories live. Discover now