chapter 10!!

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I made this at 6 AM and I was pretty tired, sorry if nothing makes sense or has a typo!!
(Gwen is barely in any of these since she's like 2-3 years younger than finn)
Also this chapter is really long!

-nobodys POV-
It was a class field trip, everyone was tired and yawning on the school bus, some were even asleep since it was 8 AM.
Robin and Finn were sat together a row ahead the back of the bus and Luci was at the very end, sitting behind Finn and robin with a random bus partner. Finn was asleep, Robin was distracted by the window, looking at how the sunrises above the forest.

After what felt to be days, but was only 30 minutes, they reached the camping location. Finns dad was asleep and Finn wasn't gonna wake his dad up to make him sign the field trip sheet, so he faked one. Gwen actually helped him with the signature too. Finn was jolted awake by Robin shaking him, lightly but fast telling him they were here. Finn rubbed his eyes and grabbed his bags, as luci and Robin also did the same.

There were no bears as the forest wasn't really that big, but it was still big enough to get lost in since there were no pathways and of course camp. Everybody was lined up in alphabetical order based off of their last names. Robin was A and Finn was B, so they were pretty close together in line, Luci was near the middle of the line. It took ages to get everyone originazed and set up all the camp equipment but they managed to do it before 10 AM.

The tents were set into groups of 4, 4 boys per tent and 4 girls per tent. Of courrssee Robin and Finn were partnered up (Everybody knows that theyre good "friends") and they worked well together. They were also paired up with one of finns bullies, and a random guy who recently moved to their class. The tension in the tent was awkward, The ginger was scared of Robin but death staring Finn, Finn was scared of the ginger and Robin scared everyone while the new kid (Joseph, isn't rlly important but) was scared of all of them.

Finn had a gut feeling that this camping trip wasn't probably gonna end up, but he figured he'd just try to cling onto Robin and they'd leave him alone. Everyone was gathered in the middle of where they were staying while the camp instructor made sure everyone was present and okay. Afterwards everyone just went back with their friends to talk to them before they'd be sent back to their tents to sleep. Luci caught up with Finn and robin and asked them who their partners were. (The ginger kids name is official Alex I'm tired of calling him ginger kid and he's the easiest bully kid to describe)

"Oh! Me and Robin got paired up with Joseph and unfortunately Alex." Finn said, Robin kinda laughed at the way he said 'unfortunately'.

"I got paired up with JENNIFER, and 2 other girls I have no idea who they are, the whole camp smells like cotton candy perfume and bubble gum thanks to Jennifer!! She said it smelt like bear shit when there's no fucking bears here!"
Luci was obviously annoyed, Finn and Robin were laughing at her until Robin interrupted. "I brought smores 😊" He smiled at the end of his sentence and Finn thought it was the cutest thing he's ever done. "AWAWAWWWW ROBIN!!! THATS ADORABLE!!!!" He started obsessing over it and Robin immediately jokingly shot a bitter expression towards Finn and Finn finally calmed down after alittle bit. Luci, Robin and Finn spoke and did fun stuff for like 7 and a half hours about random stuff until the sun slowly started to set which caused it to be alot colder. (Gwen told their dad finn was sleeping over at robins)

Finn was the one who pointed out how freezing cold it was and that everyone else were in their tents and they decided it was time to go back to their tents. It felt alot less crowded than before and Joseph seemed to be less nervous but Alex had a smug expression on his face (OMG! MY STORIES ARE SO TOTALLY UNPREDICTABLE OHMYGOD)

Finn didn't really notice because he didn't care about Alex. He just wanted to go to sleep and get this goddamn fieldtrip over with so it wouldn't feel like he's sleeping on a pile of rocks. He only went cause Robin and Luci wanted to go. He immediately fell asleep as soon as his head hit his pillow, after 2 hours he was awoken by the feeling of someone shaking him, but there was nobody there, Robin was gone, he just thought he needed the washroom so he didn't care. Until he saw a note left on his pillow. He grabbed it as the note read "Meet me behind our tents, follow the footsteps."

Finn thought it was sketchy but he thought the 3 of them (Robin, Finn and Luci) were gonna do something dumb and fun so he got really excited. Sure enough after 5 minutes, he found the trail of footsteps and followed them, there were 2 different footsteps, he was certain it was Robin and Luci.

He followed them until it led to a dead end, he looked up to find Alex and one of his other friends, laughing at the fact Finn really fell for it. Finn was mad at himself at the fact he fell for it too. He got up off of the logs they were sitting on and pushed Finn to the floor, a bunch of branches poking finns skin. He groaned in pain as Alex stood on top of him, grabbed him by his hair and  punched Finns cheek, hard.

"what the fuck!" Finn yelled out, this angered both of the boys.
"Why the fuck would you yell, dumbass?" The other boy said, kicking finns stomach repeatedly, harder each time. They were mad at the fact Finn clinged onto Robin so they weren't able to do anything. So they took their anger out on him now, Finn stayed quiet hoping they'd get less mad and leave him alone.

-Robins POV-
I was freaking the fuck out. I couldn't find Finn anywhere and Alex was also gone. I already knew what the fuck was happening. I rushed over to Luci's tent

"Ew! Wtf are you doing here!!" Jennifer was shocked, I quickly apologized
"Sorry. I need to speak to Luci, I can't find my friend."

Luci immediately got up, all of the girls were still awake too. We went back to my tent and found a note. We already knew it was written by Alex and we followed where the note told Finn to go to. I'm not even sure why the fuck Finn would listen to some dumbass note. It took ages to find Finn, we could also hear a slight noise of someone wincing in pain which we followed. After what felt like years we found Finn on the floor with a bloody nose and was clearly bruised, his shirt slightly ripped along with cuts and bruises on his face.

Luci was frozen, shocked at the sight infront of her. She almost dropped her flashlight, me on the other hand, I was furious. I approached them both, I grabbed Alex by the back of his hair and smashed his head into a tree until his nose was bashed open. The other boy tried to run but luci tripped him, Finn got off the floor with the help of Luci, I did the exact same with the other boy I did with Alex until they fell on the floor.

"If I see you back at fucking camp, I'll fucking kill you." I kicked them before walking where Luci and Finn were. Finn looked like shit, I helped him get up and basically carried him while luci and I walked back to camp. I told Luci it was fine to her to go back to her camp so she said goodbye, hugged Finn and left.

I gently covered Finn with a blanket as he mumbled;
"Goodnight Robin, love you." I could tell he was tired.
"Goodnight Finn, I love you too." I covered myself with my blanket. (Joseph is asleep LOL)

okay uhh, hope u didn't die from second hand embarrassment!! congrats on reading this to the end ❤️

1425 words

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