chapter 15 !

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my internet went out for a really long time yesterday so I'm quickly writing this so I can publish it today!!

TW; mentions of $u1cidal th0ughts

-Nobody's POV-

Finney had finally came back to school after being absent for a week. The first person he saw waiting to greet him, was of course Robin.

"Finn! I missed you. Where have you been?" Robin kissed Finn's cheek, walking beside him.

"My room." Finney mumbled, quietly clearly not up for a conversation with Robin.

Robin sighed, Finneys been like this for 2 weeks now. He doesn't want to speak or see anyone.

"Is it me, Finn? Did I do something wrong? Please just speak to me." Robin pleaded to Finney, still trying to find out why he's upset. Finney was clearly feeling guilty, but he kept his head down inorder not for Robin to see.

"it's not you." Finney slightly spoke up abit before walking to a different hallway for his classes.

Finney hadn't even made eye contact with Robin, Finneya head remained looking down while he walked past Robin.

Robin stood in utter shock at how Finney didn't even bother to look at him.

It wasn't just him however, it was everyone else. Finney had been distant with everyone.

Whenever people tried to help him, he'd push them away. Finney wasn't ever that type of person, besides the fact he was just shy.

Nobody seemed to notice something about Finney, but Robin had, everyday there's always slightly visibly bruises on Finney. Although they were covered up by Finney, Robin had still managed to see them, which is the exact reason why Robin wasn't upset with Finney but upset that he wasn't telling him what's wrong.

He'd ask everyone if they knew anything about what happened to Finney or if they saw anything happen to him. Robin was certain it was probably his bully Matty as per usual, but he hasn't seen Matty even bat an eye to Finney.

He tried asking around, seeing if anyone saw someone about Finney or even heard a rumor about him. But nobody seemed to care about Finney ignoring everyone and constantly skipping class since he's always been so quiet.

Everyone thought Finney was normal, but to Robin it was like Finney completely changed and nobody even realized it. Maybe Gwen mightve? which is the exact reason why Robin rushed over to her in the hallway before she left for class.

"Gwen. I have to talk to you, it's serious." Robin shouted out before catching up to her.

"I can't talk right now Robin! I'm busy. My teachers gonna murder me if I'm late." Gwen sighed, feeling guilty.

"It's about Finney! Please. I need to know if he spoke to you or if anything bad happened while he was away! Did I upset him?" Robin shouted and whispered at the same time.

"No! I don't know either! I wish he'd speak to me but everyday he gets home late and stays in his room until he falls asleep. I don't know what's wrong eith him either but he refuses to speak to me." Gwen sighed.

"I don't know what's been going on with him lately. I'm sorry Robin but I have to go." Gwen frowned, walking away as the bell rang.

Robin leaned against the wall, thinking about where Finney could be. He could've possibly been at home? Or the Grab'N Go convience store.

Robin decided to skip school, as usual to go visit Finney. He figured he had skipped school again to go home, and with that Robin left the school building to walk over to finneys house.

He knocked on his door, waiting for an answer which didn't take long. Of course, it was Finney. He was actually kind of mad Finney skipped school, but he distracted by Finney who looked as if he just finished crying.

Finney was now wearing a T-shirt, revealing all of the bruises Robin swore he saw. Robin's heart broke as he pulled Finny into a tight hug, this was the first hug they've had in 2 weeks.

Finney started to cry again, Robin tried to comfort him as he sat Finney down on his couch. Tears remained to pour out of his eyes.

Robin was beyond curious by now, patiently waiting for Finney to explain what was happening. It didn't take awhile before Finney started to try and catch his breath as Robin pulled him into another hug.

"I know you don't want to Finney, but you have to tell me what's up. Please." Robin's sympathetic voice made Finney start to speak, Robin was so relieved to hear his voice speaking to him again.

"It's everyone. Everyone's been so annoying and hard to deal with. It's not fucking easy having an alcoholic father, while having to deal with practically everyone at my school treating me like a stray dog. It's not fair Robin." Finney sighed before quickly continuing.

"I know, I shouldn't have ignored you or Gwen, but I've just been thinking about how nothing would really changed if I was just gone. If I made myself dissappear right now, who would truly miss me? It's as if nothing remotely matters and I'm just here for no reason." Finneys voice broke at the end of his sentence.

Robin stared at Finney in disbelief. He felt so guilty about Finney, he knew it wasn't because of him, however he couldn't help but wonder what he could've done to help him feel better sooner.

"I love you Finn, and Gwen does too. I love the thought of you, I love the way you smile at me. I love being around you, you're here because there's people who love you, I'm really sorry for everything Finney." Robin pulled Finney closer, kissing his forehead.

Finney's expression noticeably changed, he felt alot better, like he was carrying the heaviest weights ever and Robin just lifted them off of him.
Finney and Robin hung out with eachother the rest of the day, visiting all of Finney's favourite places until midnight hit.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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