Chapter one: Best Friends

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  Leafy was sitting on the edge of a cliff surrounded with Pine and Red wood trees. With a beautiful sunset reflecting on a huge lake; color of scarlet orange. Leafy was sulking of the problems she's having with everyone. Three shows in one place at the same time. At least I.I (Inanimate Insanity) is pretty far enough, away from TPOT. BFB is next to I.I. 'Apparently Mephone4 is getting along with Four and X.' Leafy thought. Starting to think more about her " Friends" being all separated. 'I wish they were my friends.' Everyone even the new contestants, knows that she stole Dream Island. Except for one person who surprisingly doesn't care for it. But actually hates it. Fanny. Everyone knows that Fanny hates everything. Leafy tried in the past to befriend her, but didn't work out. At first...

"Hey Fanny!" Leafy greeted her with a big smile. Fanny turned around looking angry. Leafie's smile soften a little. "What!" Fanny shouted. "Well I thought maybe we can hang out together. We can do whatever you like?" Leafy answered trying her best to look happy. Fanny replied " I hate hanging around people!" And walked away. "Oh. Ok... I guess I'll just be here. Standing alone. With everyone hating me. Forever..." leafy sat down covering her face trying to hold her tears. 'Why hold back? No one cares about your stupid disgusting bratty life!' She thought. She heard someone sat next to her. She opened her eyes, feeling uncomfortable. 'Maybe their there to doubt me more?' She looked up to see Fanny again, her face looking like she felt guilty. Leafy was surprised at this gesture. She felt happiness flowing in her mind, the negative feelings being pushed down. 'She wants to sit next to me? That's weird I thought she didn't like hanging out with others. She looks sad to.' Leafy thought. Fanny soon spoke. " I hate doing this but... I'm sorry. Just don't look depressed. You look more of a target to others." Leafy was shocked at this statement. And this is Fanny we're talking about. "Oh no it's ok! This always happens to me. For some reason I'm still not used to it." Leafy said excepting the apology. Fanny still sitting next to Leafy. She turned to face the others all in their teams, talking away. Fanny closed her eyes, deep in thought. 'Why don't people except me? I'm just being who I am? I hate this! I hate everyone!' "Fanny?" Fanny looked up and turned to Leafy. She looked worried. Fanny never saw someone looked like that to her. She also worries for Leafy, since they both are outcasts. They decided to help each other with their problem's. And soon started to become friends.

Leafy loved that memory. That's the most happy she felt in a long time. It'll hold dear to her heart. She then came back to reality. Looked at the sunset for a minute then stand herself up, stretched it out and put on a happy grin. " Welp I'm done sulking!" She said happily. And walked and saw Fanny in the distance. Leafy was so happy to see Fanny and skipped towards her. Fanny turned around and smiled at the site of her green friend. Soon Leafy caught up. Putting her hands on her knees to breathe for a second. Then bent back up to look at little o'l Fanny. "I heard Fiery called you out again. I hate that orangey thing!"  She said angrily. She started to kick the dirt in the grass. Leafy chuckling a bit. " Oh no Fanny it's fine! I coped with it don't worry." Leafy reassured her. Fanny stopped kicking and looked up at tall and green Leafy, then was looking her with a glare stating "What did you do to cope? I swear if you cu-" Leafy cutted her off saying " I just thought of a happy memory. And looked at the beautiful scenery!" She told joyfully. Fanny soon smiled. Fanny and Leafy have now been friends for two months and are already best friends. They would never leave each other's sides unless they have to go temporarily going to their shows for the next contest. But right after it ended they come back to meet each other. " Let's go to our hang out spot." Leafy nudged Fanny. Fanny agreed and now we're walking towards a short but big tree, so Leafy and Fanny get to have shade or a tent just shaped with tree branches.Once they got there both objects sat down and started talking more about themselves. They don't usually talk personal stuff about themselves since they don't feel comfortable sharing, but share if their day want bad and talk how to over come it. "Death P.A.C.T is now ignoring me what ever I do now! All because I said that I hated bottle about her stupid plan! I hate Team Death P.A.C.T so much!" Fanny yelled feeling emotional. Leafy patted Fannie's head and spoke in a calming voice "It's fine. Everything's going to be okay Fanny. You know, hate is a strong word. I know saying stuff you hate is your personality, I understand that a lot. But just try and be more nicer? Like saying (Bottle I don't like this plan.) and maybe she'll ask why is that and you'll explain the reason." Fanny didn't like those words very much. But understood what Leafy meant. "I see... Can you teach me how to not use (Hate) so much Leafy?" Fanny asked. Leafy was happy to hear that question and agreed to be Fannie's mentor. Leafy stood up pacing back and forth, and started telling how Fanny can over come this habit. Fanny listened closely and nodded everything she understood. "So, all we have to do is practice. We can make scenarios and I will be any person in this area and you're objective is to not say the word hate. Got it?" Leafy stated. Fanny  nodded and was ready, going in ex games mode. "Alright. Hey Fanny! What are you doing?" Leafy acting in character. Fanny responded " Well I was sitting down minding my business until... uh. Aw dang it! I messed up! And I hate messing up!" Fanny stood up and started kicking the dirt again. Leafy was starting to get nervous and noticed it's getting dark. She looked at the stars in the sky and said "Hey Fanny? How about we rezoom tomorrow. It's getting dark. How about we look at the stars to calm you down?" Fanny stopped kicking the dirt and looked at leafy then the sky. She noticed how pretty it was. Her favorite thing to do is look at the stars. She then walked towards Leafy and laid down. Leafy followed. They both watched as the twinkling lights shine bright in the dark sky. Leafy turned to look at Fanny who was now closing her eyes. Leafy put her hands behind her head and looked up again. 'Heh. This will take a while' she thought.

Adventures of Yin-Yang, Fanny, and LeafyWhere stories live. Discover now