Chapter 6: Reflection is Perfection

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  Book was holding a piece of broken glass. It was from a mirror that Eraser broke. She was looking at her self. She felt disgusted with her body. Even though she's a book, she needs to change some how. She decided to go meet Fanny, Yin-Yang and Leafy near the hang out tree. 'Maybe we should name the tree a special name. To prove that we appreciate it.' Book thinking. She loved trees. She wished she could be Tree's friend from team Death P.A.C.T but she's to scared she'll mess up. She carried the glass shard with her. Holding it in a position where she can't cut herself. No one was there under the hang out tree. She did make new friends yesterday day. But she felt like they were faking. 'I get a feeling sometimes Leafy is faking it. It looks like it.' Book thought to her self. She sat under the tree and looked at the broken shard. 'Why do I have to be so bratty? So spoiled mean. Toxic? Is that the word? Gatty was right. I'm a mistake.' She started tearing up. Soon started sobbing. She feels sorry for herself. Everyone on their team is rude now. Not to be evil. But to get back on her. To feel the same pain. "Hey Book are you alright?!" Book recognized that voice. Fanny was running to her and crouched down next to Book. "What's wrong?" Fanny asked with a concerned look. Book wiped her tears and started explaining her problem. Fanny looked down at what she's was holding. "You've been looking at you're self? Come on Book. We're objects. We don't gain weight! This is how we're made." Fanny explained. Book nodded still doubting herself. Fanny saw that her explanation didn't seem to strike Book's mind. Then she had a better idea. "Maybe we can cope with your negative thoughts? What do you do as a hobby?" Fanny asked leaning close to Book. Book thought for a moment and answered "Well I like reading about trees?" Fanny than got up and stretch her leg out. Her leg went to a book store, came out with a book about trees, an went all the way back to the hang out tree. Then handed the book to... Book. Book grabbed it and flipped through the pages. Her eyes started glimmering. She then hugged Fanny tightly with a huge smile. Then Book let go of her. "I get to read this so I can keep my mind off of the negative feelings?" Book asked holding the volume close to her chest. Fanny nodded. Book then had a curious question. "You didn't buy this. Didn't you." Book said. Fanny just changed the subject. "Well you better go start reading! I'll take that for you." Fanny took the broken glass and buried it near a root connecting the hangout tree. Then walked back to Book who was sitting on a bench next to the tree. Fanny sat down next to her. They both started reading together.

Leafy and Yin-Yang were walking back from doing Butterfly therapy. Leafy was so tired from doing so many techniques for Yin-Yang. Lately Yin has been stressed out from controlling Yang not to do any mischief. Yin had two butterflies on his arm, he was giggling from being tickled by their feet. While Yang had one on his side of his head, admiring it. Leafy was happy they enjoyed their time doing the session. Leafy knew how to do Butterfly Therapy from Mepad. She knew Mepad at the Pine tree forrest. The Taco from I.I was doing something to him, Leafy tried to convince her not to do anything to him but she wouldn't stop. So Leafy had to come up with a plan which worked. She woke Mepad up and was very please that she helped him. Leafy and Mepad became pen pals. Mepad told Leafy how to help Yin with his stress. He told Leafy that Butterfly Therapy will help. Along side with Yang. Leafy is glad Mepad isn't going to tell Mephone he's doing stuff for Yin-Yang. As Leafy and Yin-Yang were walking back, they saw Fanny and Book hanging out. Leafy felt so proud of herself and everyone getting along in their group. "Yang do you now like butterflies? Their nice right?" Leafy asked smiling. Yang nodded looking back at his butterfly. "Thank you Leafy for relieving my stress. It really helped." Yin thanked her. Leafy turned her head with a beautiful smile. "No problem Yin I'm always here to help." Leafy responded. Yin and Yang started to really like butterflies. As they both got to Fanny and Book, Yin-Yang and Leafy sat on the other side of the bench. The butter flies flew away from Yin-Yang. Fanny and Book looked up from the volume and said hello. 'Man nothing is really happening today.' Leafy thought. 'Is this the end?' Leafy saw that all four of her friends started talking. She felt really happy that her friends were doing great. But she felt like a burden to them. They all have no more problems. 'No Leafy. Your the one that brought them all together. You're all a team.' She then joined the conversation.

Everyone was laying down looking at the night sky. Yin and Yang felt at ease. Like the world is balanced. Yin started having some thoughts. 'I don't deserve any of these friends. If only Test Tube were here. She would do something about this.' He looked at Leafy, Fanny and Book. 'They don't need me.' He then looked at Yang. He was relaxed. Nothing is wrong with him. 'He's perfect for these girls. Even though he's a rascal. He's nice once you get to know him. But I'm part of him. I'm a nuisance. And extra.' Yin tried to get up, along side Yang. Yang was taken a back by this. "Yin! What are you doing?" Yang whispered harshly. Yin wanted to move in circles around the tree, but wanted to sit down behind it. Leafy, Fanny and Book notice this. "Hey what are you two doing?" Fanny called to them. Yang looked at her. "I don't know! This white he-"Oh we're just thinking! That's all." Yin interrupted. Yang gave him a glare. Fanny had a (Ok?) look. Then looked back at the stars. Yin and Yang walked behind the tree. And sat down. Yang looked at him with a annoyed look. "What's going on Yin! I want to go back looking at the stars!" Yang whispered. Yin started to shred a tear. 'Even when you try to walk by yourself. You both still share a body.' Yin thought to himself. Yang looked worried. "Yin what's going on? Why are you sad" Yang asked. Yin started crying, quite enough so no one can hear. Yin looked down to play with the dirt then saw something poking out. He pulled it out and was a broken shard of glass. Yin looked at it. It was part of a mirror. He saw himself and Yang. Yin then hold the glass like a knife. He stopped. And thought for a moment. He held it out to Yang. Yang looked at it. "What do you want me to do with this?" He asked confuzzled. Yin held out his arm in front of him. Yang looked at Yins arm and the shard and realized. "What! I'm not doing that! It's going to hurt you!" Yang whispered pretty loud. "That's the point. I thought you liked hurting people, Yang." Yin said trying to instigate. "Yes well. I changed. All because of Leafy." Yang answered. Yins eyes widened. He mentioned he's dear friend Leafy into this mess. "Don't ever bring Leafy into this. Just cut me alright." Yin whispered getting frustrated. Yang shook his head also getting angry. Then was about to throw the shard. But Yin grabbed his arm. Struggling. Yang looked at him. Tears running down from Yin's eye. "You. Better. Do. It. Or... else." He said trying to bring the shard Yang was holding to his arm. Then a cut was made. Yang dropped the broken glass. Yin felt it. He felt... "Wonderful" he described. Yang was looking at him. Feeling surprised that Yin would ever do this.

"I hope Yin-Yang are doing ok. They've been behind that tree for awhile now." Book said worried. Fanny answered saying "Maybe they went to their tree to sleep." Leafy looked at the sky hearing their conversation. "Hope they did." Leafy said closing her eyes. 'I hope they did.'

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