Chapter 7: Dream You're Dream

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   Yin woke up. Surrounded by tall grass. He got up and rubbed his head. He yawned, stretching his arms. Yin wasn't attached to Yang. 'This must be a dream.' Yin thought. He got up and started walking. He couldn't quite remember what was happening in the outside world with Yang and his friends. He forgot about everything. It was scary how tall the grass was. Yin looked at the sky and saw every bit of it was painted. 'Yep. This is definitely a dream.' He thought. All of a sudden the tall weeds started sinking into the ground. Yin looked around feeling scared of what's happening. He then looked ahead of himself. He saw a dark purple object, sitting down on a floor of clouds. Yin walked towards it and soon saw it was Candle. Yin was excited she was in his dream again. Yin had to keep quiet so he doesn't interrupt her meditation. He sat down in front of her. Crossing he's legs. Candle opened her eyes. She gave a gentle smile. "Greetings, Yin. It's nice to see you again." Candle greeted. Yin was happy to see her again. She also helped him and Yang be come at peace. Between the balance of the world. "Hello Candle. What brings you back in my dream again?" Yin asked, worriedly. Candle closed her eyes again. She started to frown. Yin looked at her, sweating in nervousness. "Yin. You've become very dark upon yourself. Causing a purposeful injury. Self loathing. Yin... can you please explain why your doing this to you're self?" Candle asked. Yin was confused what she was saying. Then remembered what happened that night with Yang. He'll never forgive himself. Yin started fiddling with his fingers. He didn't want to put the negative weight on her. But she knows when he lies. "It's just. I feel like I've been an extra to my friends. And... I don't want to pull back Yang. But last time we split apart. He gone absolutely bonkers!" Yin explained, waving his arms. Candle thought for a moment about his situation. Since she was in Yin's mind. She can look through his memories, thoughts, and dreams. Candle thought it would be a good idea to start with Yin's memories. Since that's where all the action takes place. She opened a selection of his recollections. Candle looked though his recent memories. Yin-Yang were doing Butterfly therapy with Leafy. They saw a swarm of the little bugs flying all around them. Yin was so delighted with the beauty of them. Thousands of pink wings flutter in the air, on the trees, the ground, even on them. Yang catching them is good for him. Like doing something evil, but a nicer volume. Leafy was just sitting there looking at Yin-Yang, all with a happy little smile. Yin kept getting distracted by her. Candle was curious from these moves from him. Candle continued watching. Finally Yang caught one butterfly, trapping it with both his hand and Yin's. Yin tried not to crush the poor thing. While Yang didn't care in the world about a silly little butterfly. Yang was so excited to show Leafy the butterfly, so was Yin. "Leafy look! Me and Yin caught a butterfly see!" Yang shouted and showed her. Leafy was so happy they are getting a long. The butterfly was beautiful. "Good job Yin-Yang. You guys are doing so well! The butterflies are delightful aren't they?" Leafy said looking around her. Yin and Yang also looked around them. But quickly looked at Leafy again. Staring at her, with a smile on their face. The butterfly flew away from their hands and was flying around the air. Another butterfly came and they starting flying around each other. Leafy turned back to them with a lovely smile. Yin-Yang kept staring at her with a smile. Leafy got a bit nervous. "Uh. You guys alright? Is there something on me or?" Leafy asked a weak smile stared forming. Yin-Yang snapped out of it. And started looking at another direction. Leafy started chuckling. "Alright boys. I think it's time to head back. The butterflies probably need to settle down for the day." Leafy told them. She got up and put out her hand. Yin-Yang looked at her hand. Yin slowly tried to grab it, but Yang beat him to it. They started walking, back to the hang out tree. Yang gave Yin a smirk. Yin gave him a angry glare. Leafy soon let go of Yang and turned to both him and Yin. "So, did you boys like the Butterfly Therapy? The butterflies are pretty, huh?" Leafy asked giving a nice smile. They both nodded. She turned around and kept walking almost seeing both Fanny and Book. Candle stopped the memory. 'Hm. There's something about both Yin and Yang. I think I know what it is.' Candle thought. She then looked through Yin's thoughts. She pointed at one, she started listening. 'She's so nice to us. Why?' The thought played. Candle played more and more. A lot of them were about Leafy now. Candle knows what's going on.

Candle came back to tell Yin what's going on with him. Yin leaned in closer, desperate what's wrong with him. He didn't want to deal with this feeling anymore. Candle took a deep breath. "Yin. You and Yang are really good friends with Leafy. You feel comfortable being around her, all the time. I know now what you and Yang are experiencing." She told him. Yin was surprised at something. Yang also has the same problem. Is that why he's been pulling the grass a lot lately. "Yin. You and Yang are—
"YIN WAKE UP!" Yin woke up. He was breathing really hard. He looked every where. His friends were surrounding him, with worried looks. He was attached to Yang. 'This is not a dream.' Yin was thinking. "Yin! Oh my goodness are you alright? You made everyone worried sick! What happened between you and Yang?" Leafy asked panicking. Fanny was gently kicking the dirt, and Book fiddling with her fingers. Yin felt so sorry for making everyone feel like this. "I'm sorry everyone. It's just... I've felt like I was an extra to the gang!" Yin started crying. Yang just sat there. He didn't know what to do. Leafy gave Yin, a long tight hug, even Yang. Yang felt nice being held in Leafy's arms. But he also had to worry about Yin. "Shhh. It's ok Yin. Everything is going to be alright. It's already day time, but instead of stars we can look at the clouds. What do you think?" Leafy suggested. Yin nodded. Yin-Yang and Leafy got up and went to their spot. Along side with Fanny and Book.

They all laid down to watch the clouds. Fanny was talking to Leafy about what they should do tomorrow. Book was still watching the clouds listening to them. She let them talk since she doesn't want to interrupt. Leafy then turned to Yin. "You feeling better?" Leafy asked with a smile. Yin nodded. Yang grunted. Leafy was happy he was feeling better. "Yang. I also hope you are well." She then hugged them both. Yin-Yang started to feel something. Fanny saw the whole thing. 'They are taking her away from me! I'll show them.' Fanny thought. Book looked at Fanny. She knew Fanny wasn't happy at what she was seeing. She really cares about Leafy since they are close friends.

Today is like tomorrow.

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