Chapter 5: Book

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Leafy crouched down and picked some yoyle berries from a yoyle berry bush she found. She thought she'll ask some one if they know how to bake a cake out of the berries. Leafy knows everyone doesn't like her, and knows that Pin can bake. But Pin is very rude towards Leafy ever since Leafy tried to make her more of a "Nicer" person. 'Goodness Pin. I was only trying to help.' Leafy thought picking more berries. She looked back at everyone else, seeing what they were doing. Fiery was playing with Flower. Leafy's eyes widened. 'Looks like he replaced me.' She started tearing up. She almost started crying. 'No! I have Fanny and Yin-Yang! I have friends. If Fiery has a new friend, I'll except that.' Leafy got up and looked around more seeing what other objects are doing. Stappy, Foldy, and Marker were playing rock, paper, scissors. Spongey and Barf Bag are playing table tennis or ping pong. Puff Ball, Fries and Yellow face we're doing... something. Taco and Lollipop are talking gossip behind Books back. Book was just sitting against a gate, her hands on her face. Leafy notice this. She felt the urge to comfort her badly. 'But what if Book yells and pushes me? Ah who cares. It's worth a shot.' Leafy then got up left the berry basket and walked where book is. Book was sobbing. Leafy felt sad as well. Those negative thoughts coming back to her. She shook it off and nelt down beside Book. Book heard some one sat next to her she looked up and it was Leafy. 'What? Leafy? What is she... why is she here?' Book thought. Leafy was looking around watching everyone getting along. Book was about to ask something but Leafy cut her off. "Why are you crying?" She asked in a stern tone, having a blank face. Book was taken aback by this question. 'Why does she care? Oh wait, she's the (Nice one)" Book thought. "Sigh. Well... I was being dramatic with Taco and everyone on my team started to avoid me. I tried to make up for it by saving her but. Everyone thinks I'm faking it." Book explained, looking like she was gonna start crying again. Leafy felt the same thing but with Everyone avoiding her. Leafy started rubbing Book's back comforting her. "Hey I totally understand Book. I'm the same way. Which you already know but—." Book stared at her. Leafy noticed this and felt a little nervous. Book felt nice that some one wasn't putting her down making her mental health worse. She was glad. "Thank you Leafy. I'm glad some one talked to me. Usually I handle this kinda stuff on my own." Book smiled. "No problem. Hey don't let the people who like to make fun of you make the negative wave crash down. But be warned, always be careful how you deal things." Leafy stated. Leafy got up and put out a hand to Book. Wanting to maybe get up. Book looked at her. She gave a smile to Leafy, and she smiled back. Book grabbed Leafy's hand and lifted her up. "Hey want to hang out some time? I like to get to know you better." Book asked, hoping Leafy will agree. "I would love to. Maybe you can hang out with me, Fanny and Yin-Yang. Oooo, this is going to be so much fun!" Leafy exclaimed jumping up and down. Book was curious though about the other people she just stated. She knows who Fanny is but... "Who's Yin-Yang?" Book said confused. Leafy stopped jumping and looked at her. 'Oh. She hasn't met them yet.' Leafy thought to her self. "Ah ha! You can go meet the three right now! Let's go!" She called grabbing Book's hand and started running. "Wait where are we going!" Book called out her eyes watering from the wind. Leafy was running by the yoyle berry bush and grabbed her basket full of them, and continued running. Leafy saw the hang out tree, and saw Fanny and Yin-Yang. Leafy and Book soon got there, Leafy out of breath. Book was standing there feeling dizzy and snapped out it, seeing both Fanny and a weird black and white thing. Fanny see's Leafy and was glad to see her. 'Wait. Why is Book here?' Fanny thought disappointed. Yin and Yang also looked at a book looking object. 'Oh a new friend. I can't wait to greet them.' Yin was thinking. Yang looked at the book object and yelled "What! More losers! Why so many?!" Then started pulling the green grass. Book was hurt by that statement. "Be quite Yang you'll tangle their feelings." Another voice spoke. Book was surprised. 'Where did the other voice come from? Are they in the same bodies?" Book was thinking. Leafy then introduced Yin-Yang to Book. Yin was the nice one. And Yang was the rude one. "Well it's nice to meet the both of you." Book greeted. She then turned to look at Fanny. Book greeted her which Fanny appreciated that she wasn't left out. "Book here was having a little rough time and I decided that she can join us to watch what we do. Or maybe. You can practice with her and start building a new friendship together! That's perfect!" Leafy said grabbing Book's hands, started spinning in circles. Book was going to start making friends. 'Making new friends? I'm... going to refresh, start over? Leafy is a good person after all?' Book thinking. They both stopped spinning and started explaining about what Fanny and Yin-Yang are doing. Book was a little happy for Fanny. Fanny really did put everyone down with hate a lot, since hate is a strong word. "Alright let's have fun with our new guest." Leafy said and everyone followed her from the hang out tree.

"Leafy? Where are you taking us?" Fanny asked. Leafy was grinning when she asked that question. "Oh you'll see." Leafy answered. Everyone looked confused. Soon they all climbed a hill. Once they got to the top, Yang bursted out "Why are we even here! Are you going to kill us all?!" He then grabbed Book and started shaking her around. "Hey can you please put me down!" Book yelled getting dizzy. Fanny was going to yell at Yang and he stopped. "Calm down everyone. Your still practicing. Except Book. I came up a fun plan. Watch what I do." Leafy then pulled out the basket full of yoyle berries, grabbed one and started running. Jumped in the air, threw the berry between her legs and the berry exploded. Causing her to fly in the air. Then when she came down, she started rolling down the hill laughing. "Wee! This is more fun than I thought! Come on guys try it! It's safe." Leafy called out still rolling. Fanny was so shocked what Leafy did. She then grabbed a yoyle berry with her foot and did the same thing. Another explosion happened, causing Fanny to fly in the air. "Aaah! My head will probably break!" Fanny yelled and landed on the hill rolling down. As she said her head did get pulled off, only a wire still attached making it hold together. Book's mouth dropped. She never thought of that idea. She then grabbed a yoyle berry and also participated, and got launched in the air. "Woah! This is fun!" And started rolling down the hill. Leafy got to the bottom first Fanny soon came after then Book. "Oh Fanny! Let me fix that." Leafy said put Fanny's head back to her body. Book didn't have this much fun in a long time. "Wait where is Yin and Yang?" Book asked looking around. Leafy and Fanny also didn't see them. "Maybe their still up on the hill?" Fanny suggested.  They all looked at the top of the hill and saw Yin-Yang still up there. "Yes something fun we can do! Let's go!" Yang called running to the basket. "Yang wait! Is it even safe to do this?" Yin asked paranoid. Yang stopped and looked at him. "Uh. Well Leafy said it's safe. Look their down there! Nothing happened Yin, everything is fine. Unless you want to do it of course. Yang said looking at Yin. Yin thought for a moment. Then he nodded. Yang gave a evil grin and ran to the basket. He grabbed the whole thing. And jumped in the air and was about to throw it. "Yang wait we we're only supposed to grab one!" Yin yelled but it was to late. Yang threw the basket and a huge explosion came and launched the so high in the air. Leafy, Fanny, and Book saw them flying high in the sky. "Woohoo! We're flying!" Yang yelled both put their arms out. 'Yang is insane' Fanny thought looking at the two. Then Yin-Yang both started falling. They started yelling and rolled down the hill, landing really hard. Soon they got to the bottom. Yang started laughing while Yin looked traumatized. Fanny and Book started laughing too. Leafy was chuckling and put out a hand to them and Yin grabbed it. Yin-Yang got up from the ground. "Again! Again!" Yang said acting like a four year old. "Um, I think that's enough today." Leafy said smiling. "Plus you used all of the berries." Fanny said disappointed. Book was curious though about the berries. "Hey Leafy. Where did you get the yoyle berries?" Book asked. Leafy looked at her and answered. "Well in Cloudy's collection there's a yoyle berry bush in a pot." Book didn't know that Cloudy has a yoyle berry bush. 'Maybe it was from Pin.' She thought.

Everyone started walking back to the hang out tree. Yang was disappointed that they couldn't continue launching themselves with berries. Fanny got really annoyed with his complaining. Book was talking to Leafy on what they can do tomorrow. Once they got there Leafy, Fanny, and Yin-Yang laid down on the grass looking at the celestial spheres. Book also laid down next to Fanny. "Do you guys do this every night?" Book whispered. Fanny nodded. Looking back at the sky. 'Maybe I should be quiet.' Book thought and continued looking at the calming night. Leafy started thinking about Yang. 'He's very stubborn. But I like that about him. He's doing so well getting along with Yin. And Yin... he's a wonderful person. So is Fanny. So is Book. So is everyone!'

"You guys are the bestest friends I could ever wish for." She whispered to her self. Yin and Fanny heard what she said. Yin smiled. So did Fanny. 'If only she knew.' Both Fanny and Yin thought. Tomorrow is another day.

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