∆ Chapter 13 ∆

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Kuoh Town - Kuoh Academy

3rd POV

(Y/N) and Ophis were hiding away from anyone in the academy as they were searching for Rias and her group.

They were going to kidnap Issei so that (Y/N) could take his sacred gear and later combine its power with Vali's sacred gear to open a portal to the Nightmare Realm.

(Y/N): "Alright.. Issei should appear here in any moment."

(Y/N): "This time I will do things quickly so no one can stop my new plan!" He chuckled a bit as Ophis stare at him.

Ophis: "So.. What exactly is your new plan?"

(Y/N) immediately got silent as he looked at Ophis. He couldn't tell her the new plan he had since it might cause some problems.

(Y/N): "Uhh, I might tell you the plan later. Look! He's here!" He said as he pointed at Issei who was walking through the hallway.

(Y/N) and Ophis ran after Issei as other students of the academy were looking at them a bit confused.

Issei slightly heard footsteps coming from behind him as he turned around to see what was it.

Issei: "H-Huh?---""

He immediately got greeted by a punch from (Y/N) in the face, making Issei fall into the floor unconscious as multiple students around were watching.

(Y/N): "Alright! Let's get out of here!" He grabbed Issei by the leg and jumped through a window to exit the academy while multiple students watching gasped and some went to tell what happened to the student council.

Ophis slowly followed (Y/N) as she used her powers to float a bit so she could reach him faster.

Meanwhile with the group of nerds of the multiverse

The weapon made to neutralize (Y/N) was 65% done as they were working really hard on it.

Reed Richards: "Okay, this is looking good. Plan A might work perfectly if the weapon is a success." He said smiling as Rick approach him.

Rick Sanchez: "Yeah, if it works- *burps* This plan is obviously not gonna work and we will use Plan B with the zodiac thing." He said as he was drinking something.

Rick Sanchez: "Trust me. I met that stupid dorito many years ago and he's isn't- *burps* gonna go down by just a mere weapon." He walked away to the rest of the group as a green portal opened with Morty coming out of it with a box.

Rick sent him to another dimension so that he could get more resources for the weapon.

Reed quietly analyzed what Rick said and called Doctor Strange.

Strange: "What do you need?" He asked him, he was a bit busy arguing with Doctor Fate about who was better at magic.

Reed Richards: "If I remember correctly you still have the Time Stone, right?"

Strange: "Yes I do, why do you ask?"

Reed Richards: "Could you look into the future and see all the possible outcomes of the plan?"

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