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Rock the Cradle

Juliet was finishing up a few new adjustments to her suit

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Juliet was finishing up a few new adjustments to her suit. She was relieved to find that her suit was working better due to it. Meanwhile, Steve was in full pursuit of the truck where Ultron was.

"You're not a match for him Cap" Clint reminded from above

"Thanks Barton" Steve replied

Ultron began to have a conversation with Steve, "You know what's in that cradle? The power to make real change. And that terrifies you"

"I wouldn't call it a comfort" Steve said throwing his shield at him while Ultron fired back

Natasha was dropped to the ground next, the woman grabbing his shield as she raced to the truck. Clint did his best to draw out the other guards from up in the air. Natasha was able to get into the truck and access the cradle. Steve continued to fight Ultron, but suddenly Pietro and Wanda came in.

"Please, don't do this" Ultron reasoned, looking at Wanda

"What choice do we have?" Wanda questioned

"Cap do you see Nat?" Clint questioned

"If you have the package get it to the Starks now!" Steve ordered

"Do you have eyes on Nat?" Clint asked again more sternly

"Go!" Steve shouted, leaving Clint no choice but to go.

Pietro and Wanda helped stop the train best they could, moving innocent people out of the way. Steve explained to them that Stark (well Tony) has the cradle. But Wanda didn't trust it.

"Anything on Nat?" Bruce asked

"Havent heard. But she's alive, or Ultron would be rubbing our faces in it" Tony said simply

"This is sealed tight" Clint said to Juliet who had walked over

"We're gonna need to access the program" She explained, "break it down from within."

"Any chance Natasha might leave you a message outside the internet?" Tony asked Clint, "Old-School spy stuff?"

"There are some nets i can cast" Clint answered

Bruce began to explain what needed to be done, Juliet ready to help when Tony stopped them.

"About that..." Tony started

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