Chapter 4

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Thankfully, the location of the event wasn't far from Chip's house as he parked the car from a safe distance and walked over to see how restricted, the guest list was like.

However, according to the words that were lettered out on the plastic black stand, near the doorway of the building.

It was just as he had suspected it would be, anyways.

The event was a black and white tie theme with an invite-only sign in from the lady checking out the guests from inside the front table.

Which meant that Chip was going to have to snoop quietly around the premise in order to have a closer look at all of the guests, attending.

He waited until a tall human couple had to enter in the doors and sneakily strolled along, right from behind the man's tuxedo shoe to join in on the party.

Once the coast was clear, he zoomed in around to see if he could find the one lawyer, who was about to be on the verge of a notorious kidnapping.

Carl James Birman, aka, the official D.A of New York.

The man, obviously, wasn't that hard to find, seeing how he is one of the only older human gentlemen who has partial balding hair and was wearing bifocals at the tip bridge of his nose, sort of like how the congressmen wore back in the old days.

"Ah ha! There you are!" Chip said in a loud-ish whisper yell as he looks over from afar and sees the man laughing with another individual, whom both were only chatting among themselves with champagne glasses in their hands.

Now that he has found him in his sight, he then must use keen observation skills to see who else at this party would be willing to make an important figure, such as this fellow, disappear like thin dust in the air.

He assumed that the culprit must be someone who has a one sided opinion with politics and wishes to hold the power all to themselves.

But before he could name any possible suspects, he quickly glances to the right and widens his eyes in surprise when he sees at what was about to happen, next.

From there he notices a mysterious dark hooded creature that was dressed in all black for the purpose of avoiding eye contact or recognition from any potential witnesses that may be watching.

This way....

A voice sways over like a dreary siren's call to the D.A in an eerily whisper.

And to Chip's horrified shock, the man complies with her orders!

As if he had been suddenly enchanted by some sort of witch spell.

"Ah, yes. Will you excuse me for a moment." The D.A dismisses to his confused friend, before following the mysterious woman to the back alley of the building while Chip hurriedly trails along close behind them, so that he could see what she was up to.

When the three got outside, Chip quickly hide near a trash can and watched as the female creature used some sort of magic from somewhere on her head to open up what seemed to be an open portal that could lead to somewhere from another dimension or universe!

It was hollow and dark with a purple-ish holographic rim around it, which to him, looked more like a tunnel to a secret passageway.

Which meant that all of the victims must have survived and are actually safe on the other side of that unknown world!

This was good news to his relief on the notion of this ground breaking discovery but, the job was not finished yet.

First, he has to be able to catch her in act  before he can move on forward and have the police make her release these people from their magic barrier-like prison.

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