Meeting at ralphs • Part four

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Henry's pov

School ended. Me and Ralph walked out of our last class, meeting up with my worm of a little brother, Peter. Me and Ralph then drop the worm off, then we walk to his house.

No ones pov

"Henry, you seem weird." Ralph says concerned "W-what do you mean?" Henry replies nervously. "Well, you've seemed worse than usual, not like you've been okay lately at all, but you seem like you're getting worse. Not just that, nervous too." "Well my dad left and it's made me feel worse." "Well, why would your dad leaving make you seem nervous?" "Oh. The nervous part? Uhm about that, I'll tell you later I can't tell you now." "Why Henry? You know you can tell me anything." "N-no I can't Ralph.." "Henry do you like someone?.." "No! Of course not!" Henry says while blushing. "Your face is red, mate who is it?" "Y-you Ralph, you!" Ralph looks at him, shocked. Not knowing if he should have a look of disgust or a look of happiness. Ralph was actually accepting of gay people, like Henry but he can't show it cause everyone in the Purple Hand Gang is homophobic. So he decides to look at him in disgust although he feels bad about it. "Ew, you like me?! Me Henry, me?!" "No! I'm just kidding haha!" "No Henry. You aren't kidding. I can tell. Now get away from me you fag!"

Henry began to cry as he ran off to his house. Great. Another problem. Henry thought to himself.

Nate wrote this (its ass ☹️)

Henry is fatherless Henry x Ralph                                            जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें