Hospital • Part twelve

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Henry's pov

Miss Oddbod brought Ralph to Nurse Needles's office. "Wow, what happened to him?" She asked in shock. "I'm pretty sure Brian did this to him, I think he beat him up. I'm just so confused, Ralph has been so distant, and Brian has been so nice." "Don't talk to me about that, I'm not your therapist." Jeez, that came off strong. "I'm not your therapist." I was just trying to talk to her! But really, why was Ralph being so rude? And as Brian just trying to protect me?
That put me in a more confusing thought. One thought after another didn't connect anything. 'How would Brian know that Ralph was ignoring me?' I haven't told anybody. Or is it really that obvious? I don't understand. I can't put this together! I'll just think about this later


"Ralph, Ralph?" I tried shaking him awake. He slowly shakes his head, and then his facial expression changes. "Ralph, wake up!" I said, a little louder this time. He replied, with a groggy voice "What?" He slowly opened his eyes to see me and immediately sat up. "What's up, Henry!?" "Hey, Ralph! Are you okay? I have so many questions!" "Henry, I reckon I'll be okay! I'm just hurt, that's all." "Are you sure? You seem sore." "Yes, Henry I'm okay." knock knock "Times up!" One of the lady doctors yelled. I looked at the clock, unable to read it. It was an analogue clock. "Ralph, what time is it?" "3:40," he answered. "What? It's been 15 minutes already? We barely got to talk!" "I know Henry, but it's okay, I'll be out in one in a half/two days." He said that with such a cute, warm smile. But that doesn't mean I'm still not mad, I'm actually way more confused. I didn't even get the explanation! "Well, bye Ralph." "Cya Henry." We both said, depressingly. It's even worse because half the time I spent there was just me trying to wake him up. We barely even got to talk, it's not fair!
I then walked out of the hospital, repeating all the thoughts I had from earlier. Ralph was the only thing that stopped me from thing those thoughts. When I'm with him, all my problems go away, it's like they disappear

Ralph's pov

I feel so bad for Henry, I'm so guilty for what I have done, and everything I said. He left with no explanation! I told myself I'd explain everything to Henry as soon as I saw him. But why exactly did Brian hurt me? I didn't do anything to him. In fact, I did as he said. Why did he want to do such a sick prank anyway?
It then came to me. 'Does Brain like Henry?' I mean, as soon as we told him we were together he came up with this 'plan' or 'prank' and all it was was just him trying to get us distant. And while that was all going on, he was clearly trying to connect with Henry. But why? Why does he have to like MY boyfriend? He's such a good friend, why is he acting like this? Plus, it was a stupid idea, or "prank" I reckon Brian could've come up with something better than this. I just don't get why he came up with something so stupid. Or was this just the beginning? Was this just him starting the plan? Was Henry still talking to Brian? I have so many questions, did Brian ever get caught? That's really what I should've asked Henry, but then again it was my fault I didn't wake up. I also wasn't expecting him. I really should've just explained to him what happened.


I woke up with the bright sun shining on my face "Augh!" I exclaimed and squinted my eyes. 'It's so bright!' I thought to myself. knock knock "Come in!" I say, wondering what the doctors need. One of the nurses then walks in. "Hey, Ralph, right?" "Yeah, the names Ralph." "Well Ralph, we ran some tests on you while you were asleep. You seem fine, just really sore. Especially with that broken arm. You were in no state to go through that. But we think that you're good enough to go home. We've already called your mum to pick you up." "Wait, so you're saying I can leave?" "Yes, Ralph, you're leaving." "Wait, but what about Brian? What if he hurts me again?!" "Don't worry about him. I'm sure he's in an in-school detention." "Oh, okay." "Anyway, here's your clothes, they washed them for you." "Okay, thank you" He then left. I smelled my clothes and immediately scrunched up my nose. "Yuck!" I stretched out my arms to try to get the smell out of my nose. They smelled like all they did was wash them with water! But one way or another, I had to put them on. But I was still wondering, did Brian really get caught? Or was the doctor just saying that to reassure me? I stood up for the first time in what felt like forever. I then changed and walked out of my room and went to the closest doctor, I tapped on her shoulder. "Hello miss, my mum might be here soon, may I go wait in the waiting room?" "Yes, you can. The waiting room is that way. You walk forward, then straight, and then go into the elevator. Once you're down there go left." "Okay, thank you miss!" "You're welcome." I walked to the end of the corridor and repeated what she told me. "Walk forward, straight, then go into the elevator. Once I'm down there go left." So I did exactly that. I saw my mum had already arrived and we greeted each other. Then we left.

Brians pov

There I was, sitting in the office with the administration. Realizing that did was stupid. I did this all for a boy, a cute boy. The boy who I would kill for. But a thought came to me. 'Why do I even like Henry?' I mean, he's funny, cute, and a great friend with great ideas but, why did I like him? It then hit me. Was it because I didn't wanna see Ralph happy? Or was it because I just suddenly began liking him? I'm not sure, but I'm already in love with Henry now, so nothing can or will change.
The door suddenly creaked open. *creeak* it went. It was so sudden that I jumped. It scared me. I then saw a man and a woman walk into the room. "Your name is Brian, correct?" "Yes sir, it is." "Well, we're here today to find hear about your half of the story." "Okay, I'll explain everything." I decided I want to keep myself out of trouble. "So there are these two boys, Henry and Ralph. They're best friends. I have a crush on Henry, and Ralph does too, I mean both Henry and Ralph are - or used, to be dating. I'm not sure why I thought this, but I thought it would be fun to experiment with them for a little while and see how Henry would feel if Ralph didn't talk to him for a while because you know, I like to experiment. So I suggested to Ralph that he distance himself from Henry. I called it a 'prank' for his understanding. So, we did it. Whilst Ralph ignores Henry, I talked to him, trying to see if there were any sudden changes - there were. And later that day Ralph came to my house. He basically explained how he didn't want to do the experiment or 'prank'. I said okay, and he left. The next day he just came up to me in the hallways all mad and slapped me in the face. So of course I fought back. And that's why I hurt him."
"Well Brian, the camera footage clearly shows that you hit him first. Not only that but you hurt him badly, the kid as a broken arm!" "I know sir, but the adrenaline just got to me. I got mad." "Look, we understand you were mad, but Ralph was hospitalized because of you." The lady mistress says. "I'm aware," I say while looking down trying to make them feel bad. "Well, Brian your school handbook makes the rules, not me. And it says here that you have to go to the discipline center no matter the circumstances." He told me as he point his finger to the part that it states, "Any engagement of harmful activity is not prohibited. If the student(s) is/are caught or seen engaging in harmful activity, they will be sent to the alternative discipline center." Wait, what? I should've known, I swear I've read the handbook before and never saw this. "Wait but didn't Ralph hit me too?" "As we said, Brian, there's nothing we can do about Ralph. The camera footage shows different from what you told us." "Well, you don't know if the camera footage is even real! Plus, it probably cut out that part!" "For the last time, we can't do anything about it. You're leaving Ashton primary." They then got up and left the room. 'Are you serious?' I thought. I proceeded to grab my stuff and leave after them.

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