What did I do? • Part ten

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No ones pov

They walk into the school and Henry still wonders why Ralph was so rude to him. Ralph and Peter walk in a bit after Henry. Ralph goes to class and sits down.

Henry's pov

I went outside because it was break time and I got up on the Climbing frame and waited for the others to come out. I'm still wondering why Ralph is acting differently. I should ask him, but I don't know how to, and what to say. I feel like he would get mad if I spoke to him. My thoughts were interrupted by Brian "Hey Henry!" "Hey Brian, do you know why Ralph is being rude to me? Or is it something I did?" "Oh, I don't know he's probably just mad right now or something." "Oh, okay I'll just ask him later it's almost time to go inside anyways." Then Ralph walked up to us. "Uh, Brian can I talk to you?" Does this have to do with me?

Ralph's pov

"I thought you were participating in this thing too!" "Well, no I said it would be good for you to do it." "Oh, uh okay." I walked off and Brian walked to Henry. Well, this is boring. But I reckon I could talk to Al or someone else.



Class time
No ones pov

Henry sat down in class and Ralph came in and sat down next to him. Henry thought it was the perfect time to ask him. "Ralph?" "What do you want?". "I just want to know why you are being so rude to me. Did I do something to you? Or someone else if I did, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry but I don't know if I did anything, and if I did could you please tell me?" "No Henry just leave me alone." "Oh, okay." Henry frowned and felt pressure behind his eyes as he tried holding back tears for his one and only.

Henry's pov

I walked out of the classroom first as soon as the bell rang. It's because I didn't want anyone to talk to me, or walk home with me. I went upstairs and started crying. I don't know how to explain it but I heard the door open and close again I could hear Peter talk to mum, then he came upstairs. I eventually passed out with my thoughts.

I woke up to yelling downstairs and Peter was yelling back.

Peter's pov

I was in the kitchen, getting water 🌊 when my mom came home. She just snapped and got mad at me for spiling a bit of water on the floor. I quickly cleaned it up with a napkin. And she started to yell at me and started an argument with me for a few minutes. I then stormed upstairs. There was no reason for her to talk to me like that either. She makes me so mad I want to hit things but I can't do anything to hurt people or things. I am perfect, but I think that'll soon come to an end..

I can hear Henry talking to himself I'm gonna go spy on him! I mean I have nothing better to do and I'm upset right now. But why is he talking to himself? Unless he snuck someone into the house?

No ones pov

Peter opened Henry's door slightly to see him writing down stuff and mumbling to himself. He looks like he was crying Peter thought to himself. Peter kept watching. Then Henry stopped, put the notebook back under his bed, then slammed on it. He sniffled a bit.

Then their mum started to call them downstairs for dinner. And Henry looked at his door, thinking about getting up and going to the bathroom to wash off before going downstairs to eat. He then saw Peter. "What are you doing here worm?" He asked, sounding annoyed and upset. "Oh, nothing I just heard you talking to yourself and wanted to see if you were alright. But I'm gonna go downstairs to eat some delicious dinner!" He quickly ran off, excited even though he was just in an argument with her. Peter will probably always be perfect, and very forgiving.

"Hmph." Henry got up and slowly went downstairs. He barely ate any of the food on his plate. "Henry are you okay?" He looked up to his mother looking concerned "I'm okay, I'm just gonna go to bed." He replied, disappointingly. Peter and their mum finish eating and go to bed aswell.

Ralph's pov

I feel so bad! I should just tell him. But Brian wants to prank him. I wish I didn't agree to this so we can just be happy.


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