Dad goes to jail • Part seven

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Henry's dad got arrested and the other cops stayed with Henry and Ralph.

Henry's dad pov

I can't believe that I got busted, it was about to get good. He was gonna get so traumatized just wait until I get out.. They'll see. I'll show them who I really can be.

Now if you're asking why I'm like this, it's because when I was younger my family used to beat me. And sold me to people to do anything they wanted to do to me. Best, me, torture me, etc.
and doing anything at school wasn't good either.

Kids there hated me besides this one girl named Lilly she was my only friend up to 12th we started to love each other and one day I asked her to marry me. She said yes and I finally moved out of my parent's house and moved into a new house. After a while, things started going downhill. With work, and my kids, I hated everything I wanted to kill myself at that point, but I didn't because I thought things would get better. But they didn't, they got worse. Until I snapped.

I started doing what my family did to me. I hate myself and I hate everyone around me. I would love to watch the world burn to ashes.
"Guilty." the judge says.


I was escorted to go get my pictures taken and then to my cell I was sharing it with some other guy. I was getting stuff ready when I heard him say "So what did you get in for?" I turned back and glared at him and said "Non of your business." I went back to get my stuff and laid down it was nearly lunchtime, anyways so I had time to think of a plan I could do in there "Hey do you know how to make a shank?" "Yeah, why? You need to kill someone or something" he said laughing "Yeah actually stupid cops came in before I could do anything." The room went silent and I could see he had a small stare at me and then said "Alright I'll show you."


It was finally lunchtime, and we were getting our food he told me to grab a plastic spoon and don't look suspicious about it after I did we went to go sit down and he started to tell me the steps on how to make it. Sadly I had to wait until we went outside so I just snuck it back into the cell and sat down for a bit, working out some and doing other stuff I hated it I just wanted to be alone but needed help making this and making sure it worked out how I wanted it to go.

Wrote by vince

Henry is fatherless Henry x Ralph                                            Where stories live. Discover now