Absolutely done. • Part eleven

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And you know what? I probably will. This 'prank' is annoying me and not only making me, but Henry upset. I like Brian as a person but that's just wrong.

(Next day or wtv)

"Brian, I wanna talk to you." "What do you need?" "It's about this 'prank'." "What do you mean Ralph? Don't you think it's fun? I mean, you get to mess around with your boyfriend." "No. It hurts! Not only me but Henry! So I'm gonna go tell him sorry now!" "No don't." He held my shoulders tightly holding me back so I wouldn't walk forward. "You can't tell him yet!" "And why can't I? I already told you that it hurts me. And Henry! Do you think I'm not gonna go tell Henry that this was all a joke that YOU wanted to do. And why? Just why do you think it would be an amazing idea to prank someone like that? You're messed up Brian, you really are. I am your friend! You know what friends are supposed to do?! Care for each other, have each other's backs, and help each other! And there's so many more! You really know how to make someone mad huh!?" "Ralph I-!" "Save it."

I began to walk up to Henry until I felt a heavy push on my back. "Ow! What was that for!?" I looked up to see Brian. "Brian! Don't I swea-" One punch, two punch, one after one hitting my face at full force I can't think str-

Henry's pov

I haven't seen Ralph today. I don't think he's here. He shouldn't be though. To be honest, if he doesn't say sorry soon then I'll just hate him forever. Brian's been here for me and it makes me happy. And makes me feel warm inside, like that feeling I had when I started liking Ralph. ... Do I like Brian?.. No! I can't I like Ralph but, he's so rude. I mean that's why they call him 'Rude Ralph' but, he can't be rude to me I'm his- no. I don't wanna say that. I'm his friend. But I can't. I still care about him. And if anyone did anything to him then I'd do something to them.

Brian's pov

Henry can't know about what I just did. I'll pick up Ralph and carry him somewhere.

Augh he's heavy. Nevermind I'll just leave him. I should just go find Henry. I walked a bit to hear Henry's voice "Ralph! Ralph are you okay?!" He seemed worried. I turned around with a confused look. "Huh? Oh my! Ralph!"

Henry's pov

Brian just saw this? He was just here though, walking away. I looked at him and as I was looking back down to look back at Ralph. I looked at his hand. Is that blood? "Brian, can I take your hand?" "Oh, uh yeah sure?" I took it and held it in mine for a second. Eyes widening. There's blood. Not a lot but Ralph's nose was bleeding so it has to have been caused by him. I looked up at him in shock. "Brian. Get away from me now." "What? What do you mean Henry?" "Just go!" And he went. I looked back at Ralph, who was passed out. His face was all swollen and beat up.. "Miss Oddbod!" "Wh- Oh my! Ralph! What happened to him?!" "Brian did. Brian happened to him miss." "What?! How?" She asked me in confusion.

Margaret's pov

I was walking in the hallway and saw Henry on Ralph, crying. He had miss Oddbod right over him too. I enjoyed watching him cry. He looks like he likes him. I chuckled. "What happened Henry?" "Brian did something to Ralph." Miss Oddbod replied. "I didn't ask you Miss Oddbod, I asked Henry." "Margaret, just go away!" Henry told me. I love seeing him upset.

Brian's pov

Great... He knows. I think? I hope not, he's my love, my life, the man I would die for. I want him to be mine. I swear Ralph thought him that, all the bad things he's done, why he's so, so, so, horrid! Ralph is rude, and not fit for a boyfriend! I, me, myself, and I am fit for being his boyfriend! Not him. It just infuriates me.

Henry is fatherless Henry x Ralph                                            Where stories live. Discover now