Kidnapped • Part six

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There were missing person posters everywhere around Ashton. Henry was on the news. He had a whole search party for him. His father was worried he'd get caught. But he also didn't care.

Henry's dads pov

I need to kidnap his stupid little friend, Ralph. "Henry stay here and don't move. You hear me?!" "Yes sir.." "Good." I then left to go find him.

Ralph's pov

I'm determined to find Henry! My mom said I can't go out due to the kidnapper kidnapping Henry, my best friend, the man I got to apologize to.. I really didn't mean it! I just feel so bad. And I know this is really stupid but the only time I can get out is when my mums asleep and that's when it's nighttime. I walk in the park with an old flashlight I got a few months ago.

Then someone approaches me with a gun. Wait is that Henry's dad?! "Get down on the ground! Right now!" "Y-yes sir!" "Get up and get in the damn car!" "Okay yes sir!" "What a-are you doing?.." "Tying you up so I can murder you in front of your best friend, Henry!" "What?! You, you have Henry, my best friend?! My-" I stopped. Everything in my head just stopped. What was I gonna say?.. Was I gonna say... crush?.. No, I can't. I can't like Henry! I mean everyone in the Purple Hand Gang has a girlfriend but I never did, nor did Henry.. Thinking about this makes me realize. I've never liked a girl before and I've always felt different around Henry. Does this mean I.. I like him?! I knew there was something off so I really- "Wake up! You got Narcolepsy?!" "N-no! And what even is that?!" "You ain't got time for questions, Ralph you're about to get murdered in front of your best friend. You think you got time to ask questions?" "No s-sir."

No one's pov

There he was sitting in front of Henry. "Henry!" "Psst, wake up!" He whispered "H-huh?" Henry said waking up. He's a very light sleeper, really. "Ralph!" He said loudly. "Shhh!" Ralph replies. "Shut up, Henry! Be quiet!" "Oh. Okay, sorry." "Now tell me, is that your dad?" "Y-yes, it is but I don't care! I just wanna know how you got here! And if you're gonna apologize for what happened a few days ago.." "About that.. Uhm I'm really sorry okay. Please forgive me." "Now that I think about it, you called me a fag Ralph, a fag! Do you know how insulting that is?!"

"Yes Henry, I do.. And I'm just so sorry and I really didn't mean it! It just slipped out!" "Oh really? How's that huh?" "You do know that all of our friends are homophobic and-" "And you're gonna act like you aren't?! Like I said, Ralph, you called me a fag!" "Henry please let me tal-"

"No, Ralph! I don't wanna hear it! Just shut up Ralph, shut up!" "Henry you know your dad took me here to murder me in front of you, right?!" Henry looked at him in shock. "What.." Henry began trying to untie himself so they could escape. "Henry, please I'm just so sorry. And what I was trying to say is that all of our friends are extremely homophobic, if you didn't know." "What!?" "Yeah, that's why I just said it. And you were too busy trying to tell at me! And I only said it cause I wanna fit in. And you know what I just realized? I think I'm gay too! Not just for anyone, but you." "Wait, are you serious?!" "Yes Henry, I am."

Henry was just silent. His face turned red, redder than ever. "Ralph I-" Henry's father walks in. "Oh, I see you're both awake! That's perfect, isn't it?" "No dad, please!" "At this point, you should just call him Simon.." Ralph mumbled "What was that?! Oh, you wanna disrespect me?! Huh, Huh?!" "N-no-"

People burst through the door. They were policemen and women. "Drop the gun and get on the ground with your hands up!" One of the cops said.

Henry and Ralph we're relieved.

Wrote by nate again ☹️

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