I'm sorry • Part eight

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No one's pov

"Ralph, I'm so sorry about what just happened!" Henry began to cry. "It's fine Henry, really." Ralph pulled henry into his arms and put his face into his chest. Henry began the cry as he hugged Ralph and Ralph hugged him back. Henry pulled himself back and looked up at Ralph as he sat on his lap. "Ralph.." "Yeah?" "About what you said about liking me uhm.." "Oh, about that I wasn't lying about it. I really do like you, Henry." "Wait really?" "Mhm" Henry pulled Ralph into a kiss, to which Ralph responded by kissing him back. "I love you, Henry." "I love you too Ralph."

Henry's pov

He kissed me back.. He kissed me back! I wonder how we will tell our friends though. And how will I tell everyone else? How will I come out?.. How will Ralph come out? How will they react? I have so many questions.

No one's pov

"Henry," Ralph said. "When do we tell our friends about our, thing.." "Uh, yeah but how will we tell them?" "I don't know my love, but I definitely know that it's probably not a good idea." "I know Ralph but, we have to someday." " Yeah," Ralph replies "Wait what about the bogey brain?" "Oh who cares about what she thinks. If she's homophobic, I don't care." "I guess you're right."

Henry and Ralph just stared for a few not knowing what to say. "Should we go tell them now?" Henry says as he breaks the silence. "Well uh, sure." Henry and Ralph walked downstairs to the ground floor. "Mum, can me and Henry go to our friend's house?" "Sure, who's house though?" She replies. "We don't know yet." "Oh, well I suppose you can." "Thanks mum!" Ralph thanked her for letting them go out.

"Ralph," "Yes Henry?" "Who's house are we going to?" "Uh, I don't know. Who's house do you wanna go to first?" "I was thinking Brian's, I feel like he would be the most accepting, you know?" "Yeah" Ralph replied. They then walked to Brian's house.


Ralph and henry knocked on Brians door. "Yes?" Brian asked. "Oi, Brian me and Henry have to tell you something." "Oh yeah sure, come inside." Ralph and Henry enter. "So what'd you need to tell me?" "Well uh, I and Ralph think we're.. Gay..." Brian looked at Ralph and Henry in not disgust, but confusion. "Wait so, Ralph you aren't homophobic? And you aren't either Henry? And how did you two find this out?"

Brian's pov

So look, I'm concerned because I don't want Henry and Ralph dating. Ralph can't take him away from me. My Henry, and only mine! "Well, you know about Henry's dad doing... That? He told me he liked me before all of that and he ran off and that was just a few minutes before all that happened... But um, I rejected him cause he said he liked me and of course, I thought everyone in the Purple Hand Gang was homophobic, so I called him a fag and to get away from me which is the reason he ran." "Yeah.." So Henry likes Ralph. He likes him?! Ralph! Why not me? I'm so much smarter and better than Ralph in general. "Oh so are you guys like together now?" I asked. "Yeah" Ralph answered back. "Well that's great, I guess."

Oh Ralph you know you'll get payback..


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