Chapter 12: An Inevitable Return

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A few months later

"I love every universe."

With a snap of her fingers, the Goddess Lilith had managed to put her plan into action to save the Multiverse from devastation, and found herself back in what she knew instantly to be her Narnian reality.

It briefly concerned her that she immediately thought of the bedroom she had teleported to on arrival as Peter's former bedroom, and not her and David's current bedroom, but what quickly concerned her more was that David wasn't in it. A pulse of magic emanated from her mind and quickly found David just outside, and Lilith relaxed.

It was nighttime, the High Queen realized as she approached the window, opening it quietly and looking down to the torch-lit courtyard. In it, stood David, and the once distant star, Lilliandil.
They looked serene, strolling arm in arm up to the entrance of the castle.

Lilith smiled to herself. The enchantment she'd laced the ring with had worked. He hadn't ever been alone in her absence. Not again.

She would have been quite content to go unnoticed until David had returned to their room later that night, but Lilliandil seemed to sense her presence and looked up. Lilith gave a timid wave, half feeling like she'd been caught somewhere she wasn't meant to be. But it was her room and her Kingdom, and so she turned and began down to the courtyard to greet her High King and his Queen of the Stars.

David's laugh tapered off as he felt a tug on his shoulders, and he turned his gaze to none other than his High Queen, and his entire body relaxed as the hand that held his Queen went limp from surprise.

A slow smile crept on his face. She was practically glowing- she looked Radiant.

Lilith smiled back as she realized David was glowing too, literally and figuratively. He was- he looked Incredible. He was more than content, he was happy, healthy, and full of confidence- and she loved that in him most of all. She almost bit her lip as she decided that confidence definitely looked amazing on him.

But more than attracted, far more, Lilith could not have been prouder of the man her husband had grown to be. Her heart soared with love for him.

For a couple seconds, the three glowing beings stood staring at each other, each drinking in and savoring what they loved about who they were admiring.

It was Lilith who finally broke the silence.

"I see that the castle's still standing." She spoke, quite unsure of how to articulate the countless thoughts that swam through her mind and pounded through her heart.

David smiled and nodded, briefly looking down. "It wasn't easy, but I managed with some help," he said, gently squeezing Lilliandil's hand in a way that made her heart throb, "thanks to you. I''s really good to see you, Lilith."

"It's good to see you, too. Both of you." She added, sending Lilliandil a friendly smile. "How long has it been? I didn't intend it to be much longer than a day or so but... I suppose universe-hopping takes time to perfect."

"About four months total," David answered. "One month in, things led to other things, and- Lilliandil and I became together," he said, smiling at his Queen. "I...Lilith, I can't thank you enough for her, she's been amazing."

But I can certainly try to thank you tonight.

"I'm glad that you two get along." Lilith replied honestly, but added, with perhaps even more honesty and a slight tidal wave of guilt, "I didn't expect your meeting to have to be... to have to be so soon. But thank you, both of you. I can't begin to imagine what 'wasn't easy' entails, but I'm sure that not just I but that my- our Kingdom owes you a lot."

Lilliandil gently ran her hand down her King's back. "I owe both of you a lot, as well. You, my King, you've given me love, and You, my Goddess, you've given me new purpose. I am beyond thankful that I could fulfill it, and if there is anything else You might require, I will gladly obey."

David uttered a small, short gasp as his mind flashed with Lilliandil and Lilith in his bedroom, but it faded just as quickly as it appeared, replaced with sunset beach strolls and starry nights with his Queen and his Goddess.

Lilith faintly smirked as she read David like a book, before shifting to the Star Queen. "Though I'm sure you'll have alot to see to-" Lilith let out a small laugh of disbelief. Goddesshood had brought about a whole array of new connections. "I can feel the skies longing for your return- won't you stay a night longer?"

"A Queen must return to her Kingdom," Lilliandil replied gently, "I know you know that as well as any... though will I return, should I be welcome? A day away from here will feel like a hundred, now I know all that is down here."

Lilith smiled warmly. "You will always be welcome. This is your home as much as it is ours."

David smiled and cupped his Queen's face. "Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen."

He gently kissed her, full of love and warmth.

Lilliandil flickered into Rosalina for the final time and cupped David's face in return.

"My dearest David...when your inner strength wavers, look up at the stars. I'll be there with you, always."

She gently kissed him, deeply and completely, imbuing Star magic into his very soul before pulling away slowly and walking towards the Goddess Lilith.

Lilliandil briefly glanced down to the High Queen's stomach before reverting to looking at her face. "Congratulations, by the way," she whispered sweetly with a smile.

Lilith turned her golden gaze to Lilliandil's stomach, before smiling back. "Same to you."

The High Queen walked towards her High King.

"How are things?" she asked softly.

"Things are thing-ing," David replied, smiling. "How are the things with you?"

"Things are thing-ing," Lilith replied, smiling back.

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