Chapter 21: Belonging

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Debris rained down, fragments falling as far as the Great Eastern Ocean coastline.

Civilians pulled their doors and windows closed in fear of what might come next. Soldiers that had been nearer the blast- those lucky enough to have reacted instantly- sheltered behind what was left of surrounding rock formations.

However, at the epicenter of all chaos stood Lilith and Lilliandil, unscathed and dauntless, their eyes on their surroundings, waiting for whoever- or whatever- might attempt to defy them again.

You do not belong here.

It was an unfitting thought for that moment, but was cast into both Goddess' minds.

Lilliandil lowered herself slowly, crouching beside her husband's body. She did belong here, she told herself. Now, she did. Here and the skies.

Lilith had stood taller in reaction to the unexplained, intrusive thought. She'd had years to face it. She belonged here as much as fish belonged in water and the moon belonged in the sky. She knew that. What she didn't know, however, was who- or what- dared to tell her any different.

There was no one with that right.

She called this place home. She was High Queen. She was Goddess. She-

You cannot continue.

She was ruler, protector-

You will not continue.

No one- nothing- could stop her- could interfere with her and Lilliandil's will. Nothing could possibly threaten their eventual resurrection of their High King and reign of Narnia.

Lilith's grip of Lilliandil's shoulder tightened.

Nothing but Narnia itself.

"If we cannot continue," Lilith declared suddenly, "Then nor can you!"

The sky roared with sudden thunder. Rain began to pelt the ground.

"Don't like an ultimatum, I imagine? You won't be used to those!" Lilith took a few steps away from Lilliandil and David, her hair and eyes glowing once more as she looked up, into the showering raindrop bullets, arms spread out either side of her.

Peter's old, red cloak that she still wore was sodden.

"You can rain on us all you want!" The Goddess spun around, laughing, but then stopped, crouched and put her hand to the rocky, rubble-strewn ground. "But if you don't allow what we need," She spoke lowly, "We will summon each moon from every Narnia, hold them in our skies, shatter them and rain down on you."


Lilith stood slowly, looking back to Lilliandil, who wore an expression that even the Goddess of Infinite Love could not read.

"You know who he is, don't you?" Lilith spoke to both Lilliandil and their World, eyes on her husband as she raised her hand slowly, raising him off the ground. "High King David the Incredible. Emperor of the Lone Islands, Lord of Cair Paravel, Duke of Lantern Waste, Count of the Western March and Ettinsmoor Peaks, Dragon-Slayer of Beruna, Hero and Knight of Narnia, and King of the Stars. But he was so much more than that."

Now, her voice softened and her glowing calmed to that of embers as she spoke to Lilliandil. "He was our husband. He lived and loved harder than anyone."

Though her eyes were now filled with unshed tears, Lilith burned brighter again. "He called me Radiant."

A choked, tearful laugh escaped Lilliandil, who then began to glow her beautiful blue, standing to be at the opposite side of their husband. "He called me Rosalina."

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