Chapter 27: Our Journeys to Make

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Music, and a song: "Nascence" by Austin Wintory

David's heart sank with weight as he faced toward the Narnian expanse of land before him. In his recent memory, this would make his third attempt at venturing out to find some sense of self. The first time was how he got here and met Lilith again, the second was when he met Lilliandil, but now he just wanted to meet himself.

A King should know his Kingdom- a set of words paraphrased yet uttered all the same from Lilith before, and yet David didn't know which was worse- the fact that he never truly knew Narnia as a land, knowing any mountains or crevasses as intimately as he knew those of his wives- or the fact that it technically wasn't his, not completely, and it never would be. It would always be Lilith's, first and foremost, and even though he had spent months alone without her, she still knew every last detail while he barely knew the surface.

He swallowed. No song played in his head to comfort him as he stared down the land in front of him, sprawling and reaching into the horizon. He knew, perhaps, that he shouldn't be so nervous, that what was in front of him was Narnia, after all, and that he should know it, deserved to know it.

He also knew that he didn't have the strength to face it alone. But it made no difference- this is what he had to do if he wanted to find whatever core feeling of Narnia he lost among the stars.

David swallowed again. Odd how facing down a dragon and facing down a landscape were two different but completely similarly taxing types of strength.

There was no song his brain offered, no words of comfort, nothing, not even a reference made. If he was feeling different, he could've easily compared his current situation to Rango, walking West alone to find himself. But he didn't. He couldn't. There was nothing that soothed him. He was, and would be, alone.

He gazed down to his fists, a wedding ring on each, one fiery orange and one beautiful Blue.

He would never truly be alone, not completely.

The King stared back up and forward- the King, he mentally called himself, for he most certainly did not feel as Incredible as his Title referred to himself as- and the only thing left to do was start and step forward.

No songs, no horse, no wives, no love.

Just him.

And as he took that first step forward, with no aim or purpose but to find what of Narnia resided in the lands and in himself, he truly, desperately hoped that just himself was enough.


Music, and a song: "Mount Fuji" by Hans Zimmer

The couple of days that David walked between Cair and the Stone Table was mostly filled with silence. The sights, while beautiful, and the animals, while Talking, did not seem to shake him out of his sinking stupor. The only highlight he remembered in between hours of trees was the elderberries he ate- he didn't know the last time he had eaten them, and especially forgot how delicious they were.

The thought briefly crossed his mind that the path he was walking was probably exactly the same one that the Pevensies took riding to hunt the White Stag. At first, it was a subtle subliminal thought, but as the hours went on it only increased in intensity until all David could do was compare himself to them.

The umpteenth nail in the coffin was the remembrance that this particular path in this particular Narnian reality was for Lilith's Pevensies to ride to hunt the White Stag.

Lilith's Pevensies, not his.

It only made the comparisons worse.

If her Pevensies were here- it would mean that her Peter would be here, and she would forget about you- what would they think of him, barging into their Narnia and marrying their friend?

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