Chapter 29: Proposal

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"So, who are you, really? Duchess, um-"

"You can just call me Duchess if you like, I know names bother you," she offered to David with a smile.

"I mean, I wouldn't think to use that phrase specifically, I would say that it takes me a while to come to grips with names, but if the lady wants to be called Duchess, I'll call her whatever she wants," David replied with a smirk.

"And is that out of attraction or respect?" The Duchess asked, smiling as she slowly approached the Incredible.

"Oh...mostly respect. Whether it's a name, or just whatever someone wants to be called or referred to, there's a lot of respect and a lot of identity in calling someone by whatever they want to be called," David espoused.

There was a thoughtful twinkle in his eye, but it was momentarily replaced with a soft fear- as if one was looking back at old nightmares, at once afraid and wondering how they were ever afraid of them. "There's only a couple people I can think of in my life that I would very much rather not give them that respect and not call them by their name, or not by whatever they want- and so I do not. So for you, I'll call you whatever you like, and yes- Duchess works," the High King finished, the twinkle in his eye restored.

"What would you like to ask me?" She asked, biting her lip.

"Why are you really here?"

"Well, keeping it brief- I'm intrigued. I'm fascinated. And I'm here, ready, and willing to help. I want to be a part of your Court and I believe both I and the company I bring- and I can bring much more if and whenever you require- are valuable to you."

David paused, hand on his hip. "Why haven't you shown up- or why haven't I even heard of you- before now?"

The Duchess' shoulders softened. "We only recently became in this positive of a position to even travel. Our hopeful alliance doesn't just benefit Narnia, but Fortha as well. And, benefits the two of us."

The Duchess and her pleasant disarming gaze drew ever closer to David.

"...Are you flirting with me, Duchess?" David asked, his mouth curling upward slightly and hers curled upward to match.

"You are a High King of Narnia, renowned Dragon-Slayer, Hero, Knight, and a God," she began. "You also just happen to be husband to not one but two of the fiercest women in the land- who also happen to be both Queens and Goddesses. If I were to flirt with you, Incredible High King David, I would be a bigger fool than Edmund was once reported to be."

"Edmund wasn't really-" David began to reply, "I wouldn't use the word fool to describe him, but-"

A knowing smirk crept onto his face as his voice softened.

"But you know so much, eagerly absorb so much history and knowledge of us, so you surely know you bringing that up is..."

"Call it a game, if you want," the Duchess offered with a smile, her voice softened to match his, now also on account of how close together the two were conversing- they were almost touching. "In reality, I just tend to say whatever is on my mind."

"Me too, actually," David now whispered back. "Is there anything in particular that playing your game requires?"

"Tell me whatever is on your mind," the Duchess whispered, biting her lip, before suddenly pulling back. "We should really have more private conversations like this in the future, they're very- stimulating," she offered, turning quickly to leave before pausing and turning back. "If that is what you desire, Your Majesty."

David exhaled and blinked, shaking his head and absentmindedly lifting and then lowering an arm. "Whatever you desire, Duchess."

She smiled gratefully and further continued to walk before again turning back.

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