Chapter 24: Borealis

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Five months later


A soft knock on her chamber door prompted Lilith to stop brushing her auburn hair. She had hoped it was David, or maybe Lilliandil, anyone who could truly comfort her, as she knew the time was approaching when both of them would have to leave her behind to tend to their incoming Star children.

It being Lilliandil at her chamber entrance after all filled her with brief warmth.

"Can I come in?" The Star asked. "Is it a bad time?"

"No, I'm- both David and Peter are elsewhere," Lilith answered. "Come in."

The Queen of the Stars entered slowly, hesitantly, and the less than joyful look on her face struck Lilith as really only meaning one possibility that was confirmed when Lilliandil palmed her stomach.

"I'm afraid it is almost time, my High Queen. I must birth my constellation," the Star Queen said softly.

The High Queen ran her hands over her own baby bump. "Autumn is on her way, as well," she mused. "I suppose we should...gather everyone," she forced out, "to say our goodbyes. Is...David still leaving with you, as he had mentioned previously?"

Lilliandil nodded softly. "I'm afraid so. I'm...sorry that you're...yet again picking up the pieces," she added, genuinely.

Lilith swallowed. "It's...understandable," the High Queen replied. "Here, I still have Peter to tend to Autumn's birth, but if David stayed here and you'd be alone with your twins. It's understandable, just...promise me you'll come back."

The Queen of the Stars tried to offer a faint yet genuine smile and nod. "We will. I promise. I'll come back."

Lilith found her hand drifting to her stomach again. "Then let's assemble, in..." She paused in thought. "The Gardens."


It was a while before anyone said anything, for what needed to be said was written plainly on their faces as the four gathered in the Gardens.

Lilith. Peter. David. Lilliandil.

David noticed that, whether due to the situation, his personal growth, or some other third thing, that the Gardens' purple chrysanthemums no longer held his focus and anxiety.

The two pairs held hands as they reluctantly approached each other, as if they all thought the impending separation could be staved off if they just never started to say goodbye.

It was Lilith who broke the silence.

"For whatever it's worth," she began, softly, to David, "you shouldn't feel guilty about leaving. Neither of you should. You're not abandoning me, or Autumn, and leaving me to pick up the pieces. Your trajectory of existence is just...separated from ours, for the time being," Lilith spoke with misted vision.

"Well..." David began, swallowing, "then our trajectories will cross and I are the Star-Crossed, after all," he replied, smiling weakly.

Lilith gave a short, genuine laugh, before adding, "We'll be okay here. Myself, and Peter- and Autumn."

David sniffed. "We'll be okay, too...Myself, and Lilliandil- and Asteria."

He turned to Peter. "Take care of her, alright? You make sure she's- both of them are- well looked after and supported."

Peter nodded, and David thought he caught Peter swallowing. "Don't worry...I'll keep them safe."

Lilith and David exchanged smiles at his reply.

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