Chapter 5: Break Point

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"Narnia must be led into a new Age, which will begin with dismantling the rule of David the so-called Incredible!" 

Thirsa turned to the Guards barricading her front, Rebels shielding her, two walls of life pushing against each other, with the streets of the Castle Town flooding with Rebels and listening Narnians alike at her back. "I have knowledge from another world, information of your precious High King! He is nothing but a coward, and he will bring us all to ruin! You are fools to serve him!"

The half-human spun quickly to the massive crowds. "The High Queen Lilith has abandoned Narnia, leaving an unfit fool as High King! Your Kingdom is without her leadership! And do you know why?! Lilith thinks herself above Narnia!! She has taken ancient Magicks and bent them to her will, to ascend into Goddesshood! This...power-hungry High Queen thinks herself above Narnian Monarchy!" 

Cries of anger from the Rebels and terror from the Narnians rippled through the streets.

"She thinks herself above Aslan!!"

Uproar sounded from the teeming crowds, and Thirsa did her best to hide a smirk.

"But, Lilith is no longer here. She has abandoned us all! Good riddance, I say. We all deserve a Monarch who has our best interests at heart!"

Cheers and cries of approval sounded, which gave Thirsa a momentary opportunity to focus not on speaking, but strengthening the Rebel wall with Darkness to keep the Guards from ending her riot prematurely.

"We all deserve a Monarch to follow the footsteps of the Four Kings and Queens during the Golden Age!"

More cheers and yells.

"And who does Lilith leave us with?! A nobody, you might say. A man unfit to be King, most true. Someone who just showed up and claimed the Throne for himself, and you would be right!"

A well-thrown rock, snow still visible deep in its tiny crevices, whizzed by Thirsa to hit a Guard and bounce off armor.

"But the chicanery and deceit does not end there, my Narnian friends. It is true that Lilith left David on the Throne, and it is most true that the High King who sits up there right now will lead us into a Dark Age!"

At Thirsa's dramatic pause, the crowds quieted to hear her better, and Thirsa repressed a shudder not from the cold, but from the control she had in these moments.

"But it is also true that David was once a King himself!"

Confused murmuring filled the streets.

"And do you know what became of that once-beautiful land that he was tasked to rule?!"

Another dramatic pause. Another soft smirk.

"He abandoned that Kingdom to infiltrate this one and take the Throne!"

More slightly-snowy rocks thrown, more uproar, morphing into anger and outrage.

"But that's not all, my friends! It is none other than David who poisoned the High Queen Lilith's mind with dark Magicks, it is none other than David who led Lilith away from Aslan and into consulting his false god!"

The Guards were overwhelmed by now, and the reinforcements arriving only served as an equalizer.

"It is David who corrupted Lilith!!" Thirsa screamed with passion and power. "Corrupted her with his dark magic from his so-called goddess! The seductress with whose magic David tore Lilith to him! Tore the Kingdom to him! Tore our lands to him!!"

More aggressive weight. More Guard reinforcements.

"But, Narnians, there is still one shocking revelation I've yet to bestow you," Thirsa added, and as if by magic- or something more sinister- the massive crowds that filled the town's streets quieted to match.

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