Chapter 16: Lessons Learned

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The sun was almost rising, Lilith noticed, turning on her side to look towards the balcony doors. She'd slept very little, her thoughts persistent and plentiful and they became even more so as she saw that she was not the only one awake at such a time.

Lilliandil was laid on her back at David's other side, her eyes open, gazing up at the canopy above. Having sensed Lilith wake and looking at her, she turned her head and smiled softly.

"Morning." She whispered, so quietly that Lilith barely heard.

The High Queen smiled, but instead of answering, she climbed out of bed and around to Lilliandil's side who seemed somewhat surprised, but moved over nonetheless. Lilith laid beside her.

"Last night was fun." The High Queen whispered after a moment, and the pair looked to one another, smiling again, both taking a moment to process how close they were.

"It was."

"I'd never been with- before you, I'd never been with-"

"A Star?"

That wasn't quite what Lilith had been about to say, but she laughed quietly, "Something like that."

"It's very new to me, too." Lilliandil replied, "Very new."

"I could tell you were nervous- but you did hide it well."

"Weren't you?"

Again, Lilith laughed quietly, shaking her head slightly, "Not really. It's just... something that- once you get comfortable with and more- experienced, it's easier to feel confident with. Not that you can't feign it of course- confidence, that is. David and I's home world had a phrase, fake it until you make it." She propped herself up on her elbow. "Once you start to- be with someone, and start to act confident, you'll become it. It can be a quick switch."

Lilliandil was silent as she thought over what she'd been told. "I want to be more experienced. To act confident better."

Lilith nodded in understanding, before finding her gaze dropping to the Star Queen's lips. She reached up slowly, tucking a loose strand of sandy blonde hair behind Lilliandil's ear. "There's no time quite like the present."

Whether it was Lilith or Lilliandil that initiated their kiss, it was impossible to tell.

Lilliandil kissed back with passion, hungrily. Slowly, Lilith summoned all her strength and pulled away gently.

"Slow it down." She whispered, watching contently as she saw Lilliandil gaze at her. They were close enough that she could feel the Star's breath and their lips brushed one another. "Take it slowly..." She allowed her fingers to brush down the other Queen's side, hearing a small, sudden inhale in response. "There's no rush." Lilith shifted down slightly, kissing Lilliandil's neck, "You can drive a person crazy."

Lilliandil swallowed but nodded, keeping her eyes glued to the canopy above. She was here to learn, she couldn't get completely lost.

It was difficult to stay present as Lilith's kisses began down her collar bone, down to the top of her cleavage. Then, the High Queen was tracing the Star's lips with her thumb, before kissing her again- deeper, slower.

She allowed Lilith to have complete control- paid attention to where her hands roamed, how she raised the intensity perfectly, how-

Lilliandil let out a quiet gasp as she felt a caress across the crook of her hip.

There. Lilith's whisper filled her mind, but she hadn't spoken. They were still kissing, but Lilliandil clearly heard every thought Lilith wished her to. Everyone has their places, what they like, and once you've found them, then things get fun.

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