What the hell!

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its been so long since expunged fucking collapsed that expunged literally woke up

he was in some sort of void but could feel and hear himself

'wtf' expunged thought and then felt like he had 4 hands for some reason and uhhh he tries to look at one of his "hands"

and when he does.....HE IS MEGA SURPRISED!!!!!!111

"OH MY GOD I'VE BEEN FORGOTTEN i think" expunged- no, forgotten expunged yells as he sees that his "hand" is a spike!!!!

then he somehow manages to get home i dunno how

bandu sees him and cries from happiness and yells "OH MY GOD EXPUNGED MY BROTHER ITS BEEN A DAY I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!!" while running towards him

then forgotten expunged turns to face bandu and bandu has a heart attack out of fear

bandu became badai and he's alive again....but HOW??????

he yells at forgotten expunged "STAY AWAY FROM ME WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU" to which he responds "kill yourself"

then badai, realizing that that thing is the real expunged, turns back into bandu and asks "expunged what happened?" - "SQUID GAMES ‼️"

then expunged turns back normal somehow and uhh yeah bandu gets a massive grin on his face and hugs expunged

bandu then dies from food poisoning and expunged kicks his dead body down the fucking stairs

stay tuned for what happens next

expunged chokes on a strawberry and diesWhere stories live. Discover now