redacted fucking dies

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as expunged and pain were flying to where possibly is redacted, they were making up a plan (because who knows what'll happen if they just try to directly hurt him)

"sooo since direct damage aint gonna work, tf are we supposed to do?" expunged asks "i think i have an idea" pain says - "what is it?" - "i heard he has an allergy to pee pee pissy foo-" - "no we arent doing that, why not just make him fall asleep, then throw him somewhere?" - "huh, interesting; but we'll need to hurry"

then expunged and pain accidentally bump into redacted

redacted turns around and sees both of them

"well well well, if it isnt the red head and the NO head!" redacted says, and pain gets a bit mad, but then figures out a plan

"hey guy how long are you awake?" pain asks redacted, and it takes a few seconds for redacted to process what pain said

"uhhhhh like 10 milleniums" redacted responds "well if you dont sleep now you're brain gonna gtfo" pain says

this causes redacted to panic then he immediately falls asleep

"well that was easy" expunged says, WHEN SUDDENLY!!!!!111


"bruh why you kill redacted he was my friend :(" conbi says obviously in a sad tone "fuck you also we didnt kill hi-" expunged says but gets interrupted by conbi crying like a baby lol what a noob

"expunged i dont think he's gonna stop crying any time soon, should we do something?" pain asks "nah lets kick him so hard he falls into a nearby volcano" expunged says, and pain finally replies with "lol ok"

pain kicks conbi's ass and he falls into a nearby volcano

conbi finds brobgonal there and he stops crying and becomes happy

"hi brobogonal!!!!" says conbi

brobgonal just turns to face conbi and shoots him with a knife

conbi starts violently sobbing then passes out after 5 seconds

also the volcano becomes so sad after realizing what brobgonal has done and it erupts

now brobgonal is dead

"so what do we do now?" pain asks expunged "lets cut him in half" expunged replies

pain takes out a big ass knife and does exactly that (horizontally)

blood splatters everywhere aggresively after pain is done

pain and expunged sigh in relief

"hey expunged?" - "yeah?" - "wanna get drunk for no reason whatsoever?" - "yeah"

and so they both go home at the beautiful sunset

or something

expunged chokes on a strawberry and diesWhere stories live. Discover now