bandu's dream

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(sorry i wasnt making new chapters i forgor)

bandu opens his eyes..he realizes he is in a world full of candy!

"OH EM JEE NAW WAEH!!!!" bandu exclaims and bounces towards a green gummy bear nearby

it turns around to look at bandu and starts to sing

"i am a gummy bear-" but gets interrupted by bandu biting off its head

bandu swallows its head "mmmm yummeh!" he says

then out of nowhere hellbreaker appeard!!!! bandu looks at him in shock

"mwahahah those candies look delicious lemme eat them" hellbreaker says and starts grabbing and eating candies "NO STOP PLS IM GONNA CRY" bandu yells at hellbreaker

but it was too late; there were no candy left, the world now is completely black like a void

hellbreaker then fades away like he never was here

bandu curls up like a ball and starts sobbing

"*sniff" T-THAT... *sniff* F-FUCKER WILL... *sniff* PAY.. *sniff" he quietly says

then he feels like he's being picked up

"dont worry little one" an ominous voice says "you will be safe"

bandu peeks his head out to see a figure that looks like expunged, but its completely black, has clocks instead of eyes and it has a skull sticking out... damn is that estonian expunged????

bandu just looks at its "face" paralyzed

"hey, why are you crying?" it asks in a soothing tone, noticing bandu's tears

"*sniff* h-hellbreaker stole my *sniff* c-candies" bandu says loud enough for estonian expunged to hear

bandu then was somehow able to tell that it is very mad right now

it turns its head to the side and yells "JAAACKK WIIIIMBLEEE" in a very angry tone

hellbreaker- no, universe breaker appears "what do you want sans undertale" - "DID YOU TAKE THIS LITTLE MAN'S CANDY????"

universe breaker then looks at bandu and starts laughing really hard

estonian expunged notices that bandu is about to sob

"watch yo tone mf" it says, causing universe breaker to stop laughing and look at its face with a scared look

then he gets launched into the air at 749 km/s

"take this snickers" estonian expunged hands him a snickers just big enough to fit in bandu's mouth (not sponsored)

bandu takes the snickers and gives estonian expunged a warm smile as a 'thank you'

and estonian expunged gives him a thumbs up as a 'your welcome'

bandu then opens and eats the candy he was given

after he finishes eating it he puts it down, and lays down to sleep

estonian expunged pats him gently and disappears, knowing for sure that bandu is safe now

expunged chokes on a strawberry and diesWhere stories live. Discover now