expunged's dream

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expunged wakes up in a room made out of bricks

the only thing that made it somewhat bright was a lamp at the ceiling

there were 6 abstract paintings, with each seemingly looking more obscure than the other

one depicted a distorted sheet of paper, another depicted a flower pot, the other depicted a very distorted bush that looked like a child tried to draw one, then a better painter made it look more like it was supposed to look like

"tf is this shit" expunged says while looking at them

then he heard a door creak behind and turned around

manbi (phase 1) was "standing" in the door frame

"expung how the fuck" he asked "i dont know" expunged awkwardly answered

manbi then closed the door leaving expunged once again alone

but then expunged noticed the paintings were gone, and there was a table with a computer on it

he stood behind the table and clicked the mouse, making the screen light up

"who the fuck is still using windows 95 to this day" he says

(everything else from the old version of this chapter was removed because it sucked ass)

he notices a window to the right

so he throws the computer out because seriously who is still using an operating system from 1995

expunged then decides to sleep because really what else is he going to do

he hears an explosion but thinks that's just the computer breaking

and he ignores it

expunged chokes on a strawberry and diesWhere stories live. Discover now