Chapter 3: Orange Star High School

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It has been a few weeks since Kagome first arrived in West City and moved into the Capsule Corp with Bulma and her family. Kagome has called her mother and the package men to deliver all of her stuff to the Capsule Corp, which Bulma doesn't mind at all. However, Kagome has signed the certificate to live in West City. After that, she also signs a paper to deliver all of her packages from Tokyo.

She then heard a horn honk outside and went outside. The delivery truck has arrived with the rest of her belongings, she originated to direct the delivery men to take her new bedroom. Once they have left, she looked around her room and realized something. She has plenty of boxes.

"Welp, that's all I have. Now I'll have to finish unpacking my stuff and organize them." Kagome told herself as she went to the nearest box and began to unpack them.

She unpacked the remaining of her clothes first then, moved on to her books. When she received the box that has her things from the feudal era, she felt her eyes begin to sting. Kagome took a deep shuttering breath, she could do this.

I miss them. I never got a chance to say goodbye. Kagome thought sadly.

The first thing she pulled out of the box was the Tenseiga sword gifted by Lord Sesshomaru. She briefly unsheathed it, taking a good look at it, and sighed in relief. She would hang it on her wall. Bulma left her enough room in the bedroom so she could convert it into whatever she wanted and that's what she was going to do, make a training room.

The next thing she pulled out was the enchanted beads of subrogation that Lady Kaede had given her. She decided that she would keep a handful with her, she had a feeling that she would need them at some point in her stay here. These were like the beads she had used on Inuyasha, she had long since removed them from Inuyasha, so now she had extra.

She then removed the demon slayer outfit and sutras that Sango and Miroku had given her. Kagome reverently hung up the slayer outfit in her closet and pinned the sutras over her bed. She ended up taking out the rest of her weapons and hanging them on the wall in the other part of the bedroom.

It took Kagome several hours to unpack and when she was done unpacking them, she decided to take a quick shower, and change into some of her new outfits.

It was a short-sleeved black shirt that had white on the front I Believe In Rock 'N Roll, which she laughed at it said. She also has some panties and a white bra. She saw black and white shoes, white shorts, a black tank top, and white socks there as well.

After she was done dressing up, Kagome went to the kitchen and make some dinner. As she looked through the refrigerator, she found that there was a lot of freshly caught trout, so she wanted to make a hearty fish stew for dinner. In the boxes that had arrived, her mother had sent her a care package, and in that care package were some of the ingredients that she would need to make her fish stew.

By the time when Bulma got home, the whole house smelled wonderful as her stomach rumbled, she walked into the kitchen expecting to see her mother cooking dinner and was surprised to find that it was Kagome. Although, Bulma cooks dinner a lot. She eventually cooks dinner for Vegeta and Trunks as well. They are, after all, Saiyans, and Kagome doesn't know it yet.

"Oh, Kagome, you don't have to cook, I do all the cooking," Bulma said, smiling.

"I know I don't have to, Bulma, but I wanted to show my appreciation in some way so I decided to cook. I don't mind at all." Kagome said, smiling back.

"Thank you, Kagome, it smells delicious. I bet Vegeta and Trunks will love your cook." Bulma replied.

She smiled again. "Thanks, Bulma."

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