Chapter 6: Getting To Know Gohan

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It has been two weeks now since Kagome has been transported to a different universe and met everyone. Not only she just met The Saiyanman. However, he was a strange man. She guessed he was like Batman or something.

Right now, when school is over, Kagome went outside in the field almost near the forest to finish her homework. She needed to be out of there just for a while. It is Friday, after all.

She sighed, looking at the sky when she has thoughts going on. She missed her friends and her family. She couldn't believe this is happening to her. The Shikon Jewel had sent her to another world. Luckily, her family is still alive and somewhere far away from West City, thinking of one day she will see them again. She began to wonder how her friends were doing since she left the feudal era. She knew that Shippo was missing her the most since she was like a mother figure to him. Sango as well who she considered as a sister. She missed the talks she would have with her whenever they were in a hot spring together. Miroku and Inuyasha as her two brothers as well. Unlikely seeing Miroku lecturing women. Lastly, she missed spending time with Inuyasha since she considered him her best friend and brother.

Suddenly, she heard the rustling of leaves and looked down to see Gohan who kicked the leaves about as he strolled through the woods. She quickly covered her mouth, making sure she doesn't make any noise. His hair unexpectedly became gold and Gohan punched through a nearby tree, the tree tumbled over and knocked over a couple more throughout the woods. It was then he knocked the last tree where Kagome was hiding. The tree immediately fell Kagome screamed in surprise before landing on the ground. Gohan snapped back in her direction as his onyx eyes went widened to see Kagome was hurt.

"Oh, my gosh! Kagome, are you okay!?" Gohan panicked, seeing Kagome stumbling out of the fallen tree. Luckily, she didn't break her bones. She looked okay. His hair became its original color and he slowly approached the tree she was in.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt, right?" Gohan asked, worried.

"I'm okay. I didn't break my bones." Kagome assured him.

He sighed in relief. "Thank God."

"So how did you do that?" Kagome asked curiously.

"Do what?"

"How you use your transformation," Kagome said, pointing at his hair.

Gohan blushed softly as he chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "It's a long story. I never expect to let you see me like this. I'm not sure if I can tell you this."

She smiled. "It's okay. Your secret is safe with me. I won't tell anybody about how you transform."

He arched his brows. "Are you sure?"

She nodded. "Yeah. How bad it can be?"

He sighed. "Come on. Let's go sit on the tree branch, so we can talk."

"Okay." Then Gohan took Kagome's hand and leaped at the tree branch where they can sit and have a conversation about Gohan's transformation. She made sure to sit beside him before listening to his stories.

Gohan faced her. "Look, I know it's going to sound weird, but I'm actually a Saiyan."

"A what?" Kagome asked, getting confused.

"A Saiyan. You know when my dad came from a different planet before he met Mom and had me. It was like we're from outer space." Gohan said, rubbing the back of his head.

"You mean you guys are aliens?" Kagome asked, not looking so shocked.


"Wow," She gasped.

"Yeah, right? Well, my dad didn't know he was a Saiyan all this time." Gohan said, smiling.

"Can you tell me everything? I would like to hear your interesting story." Kagome pleaded with him, smiling back.

Then Gohan gladly accepted her request as he continued to tell her the story of how he met his friends and how he trained to be a fighter before becoming a Super Saiyan. He also told her that he has defeated Cell after his father sacrificed himself to save Earth. Kagome felt bad for Gohan for losing his father.

After the story, Gohan let out a sigh before facing Kagome, "That's all I wanted to tell you."

"Your story sounds amazing, Gohan."

"Thanks, Kagome." Then he jumped out of the tree branch and faced her again. He held out his hands for her.

"You trust me?"

She nodded in response to him before bringing her stuff. Gohan caught her as she hopped down from the tree. He placed her down before walking beside her.

"It was great talking to you, Kagome. You're the first person who isn't afraid of me and understands me." Gohan said happily.

She chuckled, "Yeah. I'm glad I met you."

Then Gohan took her hand and propped her up on his back, which surprised her. He took off running.

"Hey, where are we going?" Kagome asked him loudly.

"I'm taking you to the mall," Gohan told her.

She blinked. "The mall?"

He nodded and placed her down. She followed him inside and he led her into an arcade area. Gohan stopped at one of the machines as Kagome covered her mouth in laughter.

"You want to play video games?" Gohan asked excitedly as he handed her a handful of quarters from his pocket.

"Are you kidding me!? Of course!" Kagome laughed out.

"I bet you can’t beat me!" Gohan teased her playfully.

"I had a younger brother who taught me a thing or two about these games. I just might." Kagome replied before joining the arcade area.

"Then there is no holding back. Come on, let's play!" Gohan said.

She nodded in response to him before preparing for a game.


When two hours had passed, Gohan had lost the game as Kagome had won the game. He let out a groan of frustration.

"How are you good at this? You shouldn’t be!" Gohan wailed.

"Aw, is someone being a sore loser?"

He scoffed as his face went red, glaring at Kagome. "I'm not! I was going to win this game, I had to lose to you!"

She giggled.

"By the way, do you want some hot dogs?" Gohan asked, smiling.

"Yeah. I'm kinda hungry." Then they went to the hotdog place and got themselves to eat.


Soon enough, the two finally arrived at Capsule Corp she saw the lights were still on in the kitchen and Bulma's room. She figured Bulma was waiting for her to come back.

"Well, this is my home. You probably already knew about me living in Bulma's place." Kagome said, standing in front of Gohan with her hands behind her back. "It was nice having fun with you, Gohan. And thank you for taking me home again."

"You are welcome, Kagome. I'm glad I could do that again." There was an awkward silence between Gohan and Kagome

Kagome broke the silence, "Just be careful on your way back home."

"I will see you at school," Gohan said.

"You, too," Kagome said. Then she opened the door before entering inside. After that, Gohan stare at the Capsule Corp until he went to go home.

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