Chapter 8: Training With Gohan and Goten

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When Friday finally comes, Kagome was finally getting out of Orange Star High School as she was heading her way to Gohan's place. Of course, she had asked Bulma to bring the Capsule Corp car with her before seeing Gohan and Goten. However, when she carefully parked, she went to Gohan's house and answer the door.

Chichi was the first person who answered the door. "Kagome, you're here! And I thought that you would change your mind."

"I only promised myself to study schoolwork and then went to come to see Gohan and Goten." Kagome said with a smile, "I also promised you that I will be training with Gohan and Goten after school."

Chichi smiled back, placing her hands on her hips. "Wow, you're very intelligent. You're even way better than Gohan's ex."

"Eh?" Kagome blinked.

Chichi looked away, clearing her throat. "Nevermind. I'm sorry. You probably heard what happened last year when that ungrateful tramp had cheated on my little boy with another man and I will never forgive her for what she did."

"I heard what happened. One of Gohan's friends had told me what happened. I don't like Sharpner as well. He's, um... a little cocky. You know... when he tried to ask me out since he's been fooling around with Videl." Kagome said awkwardly.

"Oh, really? Him as well? What's wrong with them? Why can't they just leave you guys alone for once?" Chichi complained.

"They'll get used to it." Kagome then changed the subject, "By the way, are Gohan and Goten home?"

She sighed. "Gohan and Goten went out for a walk to see the world, but don't worry. They will come back by the time they get here fast."

"Sure, I will wait for them, so we can just talk." Kagome shrugged, smiling.

"Of course," Chichi said.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming towards them. The two girls turned around and saw Gohan and Goten running toward them.

Kagome blinked. "Gohan."

"Hey, Kagome! We're sorry we're late!" Gohan panted heavily.

Kagome smiled. "It's okay. Your mom told me that you two went out for a walk, so I waited while talking to your mom."

"Actually, we were training for the tournament!" Goten said happily.


"Really? The tournament? What's that for?" Kagome asked curiously.

"It's called the World Martial Arts Tournament. It is originated in a festival held since long ago at the temple which now serves as the tournament grounds." Chichi explained. Then she began to blush as she giggled, caressing her hands onto her cheeks, "This takes me back memories when my husband Goku ask me to marry after the tournament. It was an amazing man."

"Really?" Kagome asked.

Chichi nodded. "Of course. I bet you'll like the tournament, Kagome."

"So... when was the tournament start?" Kagome asked.

"It will start in a month, so we have to continue training for the tournament," Gohan said.


"By the way, are you ready to train with us, Kagome?" Gohan asked excitedly.

She nodded. "Of course."

"Just be careful. And Kagome please as long as you're under my condition, don't try anything weird happen to him." Chichi pleaded with her.

"I won't do anything weird, Chichi," Kagome promised her.


Kagome, Gohan, and Goten finally arrived at the field where they could train together. However, Gohan was only telling them about the tricks. Not only they wanted to see Kagome's skills.

"Okay, now that we are all here, can you show us your skills while we fight?" Gohan asked.

Kagome nodded. "I'm glad I could do that."

Then they use their position of being ready to take action of fighting. Goten was sitting there and watching them. They then dashed towards each other and clashed their wrists as they began to fight.

It has been almost an hour while Goten continued to watch until Kagome had won the battle. She pinned Gohan down to the ground.

"I win!" Kagome said excitedly, facing him.

Goghan laughed out, breathing heavily. Then the two faced each other when silence came. Their faces began to blush. Within a few seconds, she let go of Gohan and faced him.

"I believe I can teach you a flying lesson." Gohan changed the subject.

"Sure. Do that." He began to lift off once they were outside. Kagome gasped out as he still had her in one hand and was taking her to a safer area in which to teach her. Yet again she grabbed onto his wrist. He smirked as she began to climb him for a better hold.

"I'd never let you fall, right?" Gohan asked, wanting her to trust him.

"I can trust you."

"Okay, let me teach you how to fly." Gohan quietly stood by and observed. Within a minute Kagome began to float off the ground. Her hair lifted off her shoulders as well. Gohan smiled but said nothing as she continued to rise. She opened her eyes, finding herself flying.

"Kagome's flying!" Goten happily.

"I can fly!" Kagome shouted happily.

"Um... Kagome... You're flying too high...!" He warned as she was a good eight feet up now. Gohan winced as she came tumbling down. He swiftly caught her. Her eyes were wide with alarm, but once it truly hit on what had happened she broke into laughter.

"I was flying!"

"You sure were, Kags. We just need to work on the whole not falling part now. You have to remain focused you can't let yourself get distracted." Gohan said, laughing softly. After that, he placed her back down.

"Ready to try again?"

"Yeah," Kagome replied.

"Just remember always and I mean always keep your focus," Gohan told her. This time it doesn’t take long for her to hover off the ground. He nodded in approval. Kagome opened her eyes and grinned as she looked down upon Gohan. He gave her a thumbs up.

"There you go. I knew you could do it. Try moving around a bit." He lifted her off the ground and showed her how to maneuver around. Kagome mimicked some of his moves but was a little unsteady at first. She gasped out as Gohan randomly took her hand and they lifted off even higher. Once they were a good fifty feet in the air he dropped her hand. She started to fall.

"Kagome, keep focusing! You're doing great!" He called out.

"Go, Kagome!" Goten cheered out. He began to fly as he headed towards them.

She swallowed back and shot out her hands. Gohan looked on with full surprise as she managed to gain back her focus. Not only that but she had flown back up and completely circled him. He heard her giggling as she passed him a second time. He shook his head in laughter.

"That's pretty awesome, Kagome. I think you've just about got this down. Just a little more practice and you'll have it nailed!"

"I can't believe I can fly!" She called out excitedly.

Gohan rubbed the back of his head in sheer amazement as she pulled off the perfect somersault in midair.

"Wow, Kagome. You're amazing!" He said as Gohan slowly began to lower back down to the ground, helping Kagome out.

Goten landed on the ground and ran toward them. "You're awesome, Kagome!

"Thanks, Gohan," Kagome chuckled, rubbing the back of her head.

Gohan nodded in response to her.

"So now I can fly, can you teach me more?" Kagome asked.

He nodded. "Of course. How about I'll teach you how to use a ki blast?"

"Sure," Kagome said, smiling at him.

"Like this!" Goten unleashed his ki blast and destroyed the boulder.

"Huh, interesting. Let's do that." Kagome said with a smirk, placing her hands together on the hips.

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