Chapter 1

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Screaming and sobbing could be heard from room 402, In the abandoned hospital in Japan. Then the screaming stopped, only to be followed by the sound of splattering. A boy with crimson red hair was laying on his stomach, mouth dripping with blood.

"Hello Karma, I'm here to take your blood, can you please sit in front of the glass?" A man in a doctor's coat said. He had short blue hair, blue eyes, and he was very short. Karma nodded, crawling over to the glass, as the Blue-Headed person draw some blood from Karma's arm.

Karma had a little slot where he would get food or water served to him, but the blue haired boy would give him things, or take his blood. Karma wrote on a piece of paper, gently sliding it through the slot. The blue boy noticed this, and picked it up.

" 'NAgisA, cAN I HAVE soME MorE wrITiNg lessoNs?' Of course! I would love to teach you! You know, I was wondering if you would like to meet a few of my students, actually. If you do, I already have things planned, you are going to my class tomorrow!" Nagisa said, clasping his hands together, while Karma nodded, a huge childish smile on his face.

Nagisa laughed. "I also got you a journal, so you can practice your writing, and write down your feelings or what you want to say." Karma nodded again, shifting the position of his wings, which where now tucked behind his back, evening out the weight.

"So do you want to do math first? Or writing?" Karma held up one finger, and Nagisa pulled out a worksheet of multiplication problems. Karma got to work immediately, laying on his stomach, skip counting on his fingers.

Nagisa clicked on his computer, while writing stuff down. Karma thought he was doing lesson plans. A girl with black hair, Akari, walked in. Karma waved while smiling at her, and Akari smiled back kissing Karma's hand (which was poking out of the slot) and kissed Nagisa's forehead.

Karma was halfway through the worksheet, when he looked up at Akari, and smiled again. "Why hello Smiley-Boy! You're extra happy today!" Karma nodded, taking out the journal and writing what Nagisa said.

Karma slid the journal towards Akari's heels, and she picked it up. she looked offended (in a joking way) at the end. "How come I can't come! I'm your wife Nagisa!" Karma laughed at her remark. He then slid the worksheet towards Nagisa, took the journal back, and cradled himself in his wings, making them warmer.

Nagisa opened a glass door open using keys, and picked Karma up. Nagisa carried Karma to his bed, which was an actual bed, and wrapped the blanket over Karma, kissing his forehead. Nagisa then stepped out, not before giving Karma his worksheet.

Nagisa smiled at Karma then looked at his wife, and frowned. Okuda walked in at that moment, seeing Nagisa's pained expression. She gave Nagisa a hug. "I know, but very soon he will be free. Also, he's going to get a friend today." Nagisa pulled away from Okuda, very happy.

"Can I meet them?" When Okuda nodded, Nagisa jumped with joy. Okuda left, and came back with a blue haired boy with shoulder length hair, and blue eyes. Identical to Nagisa. Akari spit out her water that she stole from Nagisa, which woke Karma up, with a jolt.

Karma crawled over to the teenage version of Nagisa, and put a hand on the glass. Karma cocked his head to the side, lifting an eyebrow. "Nozomi, this is Karma. He's your new roommate." Okuda said, and Karma shakily nodded.

Karma backed away from the glass, so Nozomi could be let in. Nozomi turned to Karma and smiled ear-to-ear. Karma let out a shaky breath. "Hi! I'm Nozomi! I had experiments too!" Karma covered his ears, and Nozomi copied him.

Karma tilted his head to the side, still covering his ears. Nozomi copied him. "Nozomi, he may need some time to warm up to you." Akari remarked, stealing the water botlle from Nagisa's hand.

Karma scooted over to the three, and pointed to Nagisa, "Papa 'Gisa." He pointed to Kayano, "Mama 'Kari" He then pointed to Okuda, "Auntie Okuda" Karma pointed to himself. "I Karma." Nozomi smiled. Akari and Okuda had sparkles in their eyes, very happy that they where called Mama and Auntie.

Karma then held out his hand, and Nozomi shook it.

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