Chapter 8

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Karma was limping, with Nozomi helping him walk. "We have to get out of here..." Nozomi stated, grabbing the nearest cell phone and opening up the "Contacts" app. "We're calling Asano-Kun, he'll help us."

Karma had been set on fire, so his face, legs and torso was stinging. "Hello? Who's this?" He heard Gakuho ask, with Gakushuu right beside him. "Shuu-Chan..." Karma Leaned on the wall for support, and grunted in pain, eyes tearing up.

The phone died, and Karma continued to slowly step towards the front door, before they both died in an explosion. Akari was carrying a passed out and bleeding Nagisa on her back. "Karma, we have to get you and Nagisa to a hospital...A good one." 

Nozomi spotted a wheel chair, and slowly at Karma in it, who was now sobbing. "We have 3 minutes, Almost there." Nozomi pushed Karma to the entrance, While Akari speed-walked out of there. The phone was in Karma's lap, just in case.

They saw the entrance, and quickly stepped out, seeing a black car. Gakuho and Gakushuu where there. "There! Run! We have 45 seconds!" Akari started running, Nozomi did too. 

"We have to get out of here as fast as possible, forget underground, the buildings about to explode! we have... 10 SECONDS!!" Nozomi stated, putting Karma in Gakushuu's lap, while Nagisa was laying down in the backseat, Akari trying to stop his bleeding. 

Gakuho pressed on the gas pedal, while Nozomi was healing Nagisa's head and stomach. Karma's burns started steaming, making Karma cry louder. 


A few shards out glass hit the car, and dust and smoke surrounded the road. "We need a hospital!" Gakuho took a left, not caring if he was speeding. 


Karma was slightly sobbing, looking up at the ceiling. He had scars allover his torso, face and legs. He was wearing shorts, a ton of fans pointing at him. "Shuu-Chan...If you can hear me...I-I'm sorry. B-But it hurts. I think I'm dying." 

Karma sniffed and inhaled. "I miss you... Please come visit me? I miss you..." Karma closed his eyes, a few tears rolling down his face. He felt really bad they almost died, and he thought it was his fault, and he was a disgrace in this world. After all, Why was he the test subject anyways?

  ~_Y-You are n-nooow entering K-K-Karmaaa's Dreeaaam_~ *Narrator Not Found*

"Hey Nagisa! How's teaching going!"

"Oh, Karma. It's good. My students are a handful this year, but It's......!"

"What Nagisa?"

"Turn around!"

"What Could be so ba-"


Karma woke up, tears pouring down his face, While he was sitting in Gakushuu's lap. "Shh, You'll be okay. You're safe now. Karma looked around, to see Nagisa with a walking stick, Kayano supporting her husband, and Gakuho, who looked like he hasn't slept in days. 

For some reason they looked, older. "H-How old are you guys?

"51." -Gakuho




"How old am I?" Karma asked, Looking into the mirror next to him. His hair was back, and his legs where longer. "You're 21 Karma." Gakushuu stated.

"Didn't we just survive an explosion?" Karma looked up at Gakushuu. "Karma, that was 7 years ago. You've been asleep for that whole time." Karma looked at the group. "W-what? B-but how?" 

"Karma, your tests made you sleep for a long time. Every time you fell asleep, a week passed. The doctors said if you kept sleeping you would die."

"B-But I knew you Nagisa? I got smacked in the head then woke up!" Nagisa's eyes widened. "You remember? What else do you remember?" Karma looked at the ceiling trying to rack his brain for anything else. The red-head shook his head.

"No, I don't."

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