Chapter 9

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Hiromi walked towards Nozomi, who's tail was wrapped around the roof of the cage. "T-This is Nozomi?" She asked.

Nozomi nodded, getting down. The cage opened. He slithered out, the bottom half slithering with a snake tail. Karma was in another cage, filled with water. He had a mask on so he could breathe, but other than that he was passing out due to the water. 

"What's with the red-head? Is he okay?" Hiromi asked, pointing at Karma who was floating in the water tank, wings turning into ash. Nozomi hissed at the doctor. 

"Now, Now, code 81194 will be fine, he's just taken in to much water." Dr. Owens said, petting Nozomi's shoulder. "Code 92215, please refrain yourself from biting people, your doctor died from the venomous bite you gave him."

Nozomi hissed again, going over to Karma's take and slipping himself in. The doctor led Nagisa, Akari, and Hiromi to the other testing subjects. Nozomi Grabbed Karma using his tail, and took him out of the water tank, grabbing a towel and drying him off.

Nagisa shifted into his human form, wearing Nagisa's old school uniform. Karma sat up, coughing out water. "Oh thank goodness." Nozomi found a lighter, and set it near Karma's wings, that burst into flames.

Karma stood up, with the help of Nozomi. The two started walking towards the exit (with Karma tripping from time to time because he still wasn't used to walking yet), and they escaped. Nagisa found a puddle, and stomped in it, then lifted into the air, flying next to Karma.

The two swooped and swerved, looking for Gakushuu or someone they trusted. They found Gakushuu, and made a clean landing, while Karma ran to Gakushuu.

Nozomi smiled as he saw the two embrace each other, after two years of not seeing each other. Then, Karma collapsed on the ground. He couldn't take the weight of his wings.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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