Chapter 4

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   Karma woke up, taking his head off of Gakuho's shoulder. They where in... A car? "Oh good afternoon Karma, I decided to take Gakushuu to your laboratory." Karma nodded hugging his knees and bringing his wings around himself.  Although, he felt very uneasy. He didn't know the cause, maybe because his doctors where there? What if he went feral?

   Karma led Nagisa, Gakuho and Gakushuu to his labratory, where Nozomi was sitting in the corner, head buried in his knees. "Zomi-Chan? What hurts?" Karma asked, Going into the cell and patting Nozomi's  head. Nozomi lifted his head, to reveal deer antlers and deer ears. 

  "I-I have a headache.." Nozomi stifled a sob. Karma hugged Nozomi, warming his wings up. "Better?" Karma's electronic-like voice and warm wings comforted Nozomi, who then slightly nodded. Nagisa put a glass of water next to Nozomi, telling him to rink it. 

   "Shuu-Chan," Karma asked, pointing to Nozomi. "Zomi-Chan." Karma looked at Nozomi, who was guzzling the water, then handed the empty glass to Nagisa. Gakushuu waved slightly. Gakuho sat down across from Nagisa, to chat. Gakushuu walked into the cell, and sat down next to the hybrids. 

   "Hey, do you mind telling me about yourselves?" Gakushuu asked, knowing very little. Karma nodded, starting to open his mouth. "I don't remember anything!" Gakushuu turned to Nagisa. "He means about his past, every test makes him forget more, and at some point he's going to forget who he is." Nagisa explained, a frown on his face.

   "Why?" Gakushuu asked. Nagisa sighed, looking at Karma, who covered his ears. "Karma has...a very concerning past. I-I guess you could say the way he came here was, not the best way." Nagisa voice cracked at the end, causing Karma to giggle. 

  "What?" Nagisa's voice cracked again, making Karma and Nozomi fall back, from laughter. Karma didn't know why but he thought this was the funniest thing. "Papa Gisa," Karma pointed to the ceiling, after he calmed down. "Fly."

  Nagisa pressed a button on the wall, and spiral staircase came from the ceiling. Karma flew out the roof though. "Papa Gisa, Look! I'm flyinnnnnnnggggggggg~!" Karma said as he flew in circles around the Arena. 

  Nozomi dipped himself  in the pond, went under and flew out under with blue wing on his back. He flew as close to Karma as he could without bumping into Karma. ("Karma's wings where ginormous!" Nozomi exclaimed.) 

  "He really can fly." Gakushuu said, leaning against the wall of the arena.  "Well yeah, why else does he have wings? Decoration!?" Nagisa replied, waving his arms in the air. Then, Akari walked in, with a blue-headed boy skipping next to her. 

  "PAPA!" The boy yelled, running up to Nagisa. Karma sat himself on the wall, staring at the boy in Nagisa's arms. Karma's never met a little kid before. The two stared at each other for a few minutes, before Karma pointed to Gakushuu. 

  "Shuu-Chan," Karma pointed to Gakuho. "Mr. Chairman," Karma then pointed to himself. "I Karma." He pointed to the child in Nagisa's arms. "Who is you?" The blue-headed boy escaped from Nagisa's grip, and ran up to Karma. "I'm Ray! Nice to meet you Karma." The boy held his hand out, and Karma got confused.

  "Karma, you shake his hand, like this." He shook Kayano's hand. Karma copied. Gakushuu picked up Karma, bridal style. "What? He doesn't have his crutches." Nagisa smiled at Gakushuu.  

  Ray and Karma kept chatting when they got back downstairs. (They became the best of friends.)

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